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2022-11-17Cisco TalosChris Neal
Get a Loda This: LodaRAT meets new friends
Loda Kasablanka
2022-06-21Cisco TalosChris Neal, Flavio Costa, Guilherme Venere
Avos ransomware group expands with new attack arsenal
AvosLocker Cobalt Strike DarkComet MimiKatz
2022-03-10Cisco TalosChris Neal
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022 Threat advisory: Cybercriminals compromise users with malware disguised as pro-Ukraine cyber tools
2022-01-21Talos IntelligenceChris Neal, Dmytro Korzhevin, Matt Olney, Michael Chen, Nick Biasini
Ukraine Campaign Delivers Defacement and Wipers, in Continued Escalation
2021-07-29Talos IntelligenceAndrew Windsor, Chris Neal
Talos Spotlight: Solarmarker
2021-04-07TalosChris Neal, Edmund Brumaghin, Nick Biasini, Paul Eubanks.
Sowing Discord: Reaping the benefits of collaboration app abuse
2021-02-09TalosChris Neal, Vitor Ventura, Warren Mercer
Kasablanka Group's LodaRAT improves espionage capabilities on Android and Windows
2020-09-29Cisco TalosChris Neal
LodaRAT Update: Alive and Well
2020-03-31Cisco TalosChris Neal
Trickbot: A primer
2020-02-12Cisco TalosChris Neal
Loda RAT Grows Up
2019-10-21Cisco TalosChris Neal, Vitor Ventura
Gustuff return, new features for victims