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2025-03-26Twitter (@MalGamy12)Gameel Ali
Tweet about RALord ransomware
2025-03-14Twitter (@CERTCyberdef)Alexandre Matousek, Marine PICHON
Tweet on Emmenhtal v3
Emmenhtal Lumma Stealer Rhadamanthys
2025-03-06Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Threat Intelligence
Tweet about Moonstone Sleet dropping Qilin ransomware
2025-02-21Twitter (@salmanvsf)Salman Shaikh
Tweet about VXPCrypter
2025-02-14Twitter (@DTCERT)Deutsche Telekom CERT
Twitter Thread on a password-protected loader observed in a vishing campaign
Unidentified 120
2025-02-11Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Threat Intelligence
Twitter Thread on a new Kimsuky tactic inciting admins to paste powershell
2025-01-28Twitter (@anyrun_app)ANY.RUN
Tweet on Linux version of SystemBC
2025-01-21Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Threat Intelligence
Twitter Thread describing spotting of ReedBed in a Storm-1811 campaign
ReedBed UNC4393
2025-01-17Twitter (@Unit42_Intel)Unit 42
Tweet about affiliates of DarkScorpius using Social Engineering via MS Teams
2024-12-20Twitter (@CERTCyberdef)Alexandre Matousek, Marine PICHON
Tweet on Emmenhtal v2
2024-10-31Twitter (@MonThreat)ThreatMon
Tweet about EvilByte claiming to have hacked MyFatoorah
2024-10-31Twitter (@nextronresearch)Nextron Systems
Tweet about discovery of HellDown ransomware
2024-10-24Orange CyberdefenseAlexis Bonnefoi, Marine PICHON, Vincent HINDERER
Twitter Thread about MintsLoader
2024-10-22Twitter (@threatinsight)Threat Insight
Twitter Thread attributing Voldemort to TA415 (APT41, BrassTyphoon)
2024-09-18Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft
Tweet about threat actor Vanilla Tempest
INC GootLoader Storm-0494
2024-09-03Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Advanced Cyberchef Techniques - Defeating Nanocore Obfuscation With Math and Flow Control
Nanocore RAT
2024-08-14Twitter (@salmanvsf)Salman Shaikh
Tweet on a new malware family - Dust RAT
2024-08-08Twitter (@MonThreat)ThreatMon
Tweet about EvilByte claiming to have hacked Argentine Radio
2024-08-04Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Decoding a Cobalt Strike Downloader Script With CyberChef
Cobalt Strike
2024-07-10Risky.bizCatalin Cimpanu
Risky Biz News: US takes down RT's Twitter bot farm
Lifting Zmiy