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2024-04-11Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Tracking Malicious Infrastructure With DNS Records - Vultur Banking Trojan
2024-04-04Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
TLS Certificate For Threat Intelligence - Identifying MatanBuchus Domains Through Hardcoded Certificate Values
2024-04-01Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Passive DNS For Phishing Link Analysis - Identifying 36 Latrodectus Domains With Historical Records and 302 Redirects
Unidentified 111 (Latrodectus)
2024-03-31Twitter (@fr0gger)Thomas Roccia
Tweet with visual summary of the execution flow
2024-03-30Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Uncovering APT Infrastructure with Passive DNS Pivoting
2024-03-27Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Uncovering Malicious Infrastructure with DNS Pivoting
LokiBot XWorm
2024-03-18Twitter (@juanandres_gs)Juan Andrés Guerrero-Saade
Twitter thread on the sample identified
2024-03-02Twitter (@SinghSoodeep)Sudeep Singh
Tweet on WINELOADER targeting with German embassy themed lure
2024-02-28Twitter (@haxrob)haxrob
Tweet series regarding GTPDOOR
2024-02-27Twitter (@greglesnewich)Greg Lesnewich
Tweet with context on TA421 / APT29 / Midnight Blizzard / BlueBravo / Cozy Bear
2024-02-26Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Advanced CyberChef Techniques for Configuration Extraction - Detailed Walkthrough and Examples
NetSupportManager RAT
2024-01-05Twitter (@X__Junior)Mohamed Ashraf
Tweet about a SpectralBlur Linux sample
2024-01-05Twitter (@greglesnewich)Greg Lesnewich
Tweets about a SpectralBlur a macOS sample
2023-12-20Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Defeating Obfuscated Malware Scripts - Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike
2023-12-19Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Free Ghidra Tutorials for Beginners
Cobalt Strike DarkGate
2023-12-08Twitter (@Myrtus0x0)Myrtus 0x0
Tweet naming the family
Unidentified 111 (Latrodectus)
2023-12-08Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Ghidra Basics - Manual Shellcode Analysis and C2 Extraction
Cobalt Strike
2023-12-06Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Ghidra Basics - Identifying, Decoding and Fixing Encrypted Strings
2023-12-03Twitter (@vxunderground)VX-Underground
Tweet about ALPHV group compromising Tipalti to pressure its clients.
BlackCat BlackCat
2023-12-01Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Threat Intelligence
Tweet on Danabot leading to cactus ransomware
Cactus DanaBot Storm-1044