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2016-04-27Kaspersky LabsGReAT
Freezer Paper around Free Meat (Repackaging Open Source BeEF for Tracking and More)
Charming Kitten
2016-03-31Kaspersky LabsThiago Marques
The evolution of Brazilian Malware
Unidentified 058
2016-03-03Kaspersky LabsMikhail Kuzin, Nikita Buchka
Attack on Zygote: a new twist in the evolution of mobile threats
2016-02-09Kaspersky LabsGReAT
Poseidon Group: a Targeted Attack Boutique specializing in global cyber-espionage
Poseidon Group
2016-02-08Kaspersky LabsComputer Incidents Investigation Department, GReAT
APT-style bank robberies increase with Metel, GCMAN and Carbanak 2.0 attacks
gcman GCMAN
2016-01-29Kaspersky LabsStefan Ortloff
From Linux to Windows – New Family of Cross-Platform Desktop Backdoors Discovered
Mokes Mokes
2016-01-28Kaspersky LabsGReAT
BlackEnergy APT Attacks in Ukraine employ spearphishing with Word documents
2015-12-04Kaspersky LabsGReAT
Sofacy APT hits high profile targets with updated toolset
Coreshell Sedreco Seduploader X-Agent APT28
2015-12-04Kaspersky LabsGReAT
Sofacy APT hits high profile targets with updated toolset
2015-10-13Kaspersky LabsDmitry Tarakanov
I am HDRoot! Part 2
2015-10-06Kaspersky LabsDmitry Tarakanov
I am HDRoot! Part 1
2015-09-28Kaspersky LabsGhareeb Saad, Mohamad Amin Hasbini
Gaza cybergang, where’s your IR team?
2015-09-14Kaspersky LabsFedor Sinitsyn, Victor Alyushin
The Shade Encryptor: a Double Threat
CMSBrute Troldesh
2015-09-09Kaspersky LabsStefan Tanase
Satellite Turla: APT Command and Control in the Sky
2015-09-09Kaspersky LabsStefan Tanase
Satellite Turla: APT Command and Control in the Sky
Satellite Turla Turla
2015-08-20Kaspersky LabsSuguru Ishimaru
New activity of the Blue Termite APT
Blue Termite
2015-08-20Kaspersky LabsSuguru Ishimaru
New activity of the Blue Termite APT
2015-08-10Kaspersky LabsGReAT
Darkhotel’s attacks in 2015
DarkHotel DarkHotel
2015-07-14Kaspersky LabsFedor Sinitsyn
TeslaCrypt 2.0 disguised as CryptoWall
2015-07-08Kaspersky LabsGReAT
Wild Neutron – Economic espionage threat actor returns with new tricks