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2023-12-06ElasticDaniel Stepanic
Getting gooey with GULOADER: deobfuscating the downloader
2023-10-31ElasticAndrew Pease, Colson Wilhoit, Ricardo Ungureanu, Seth Goodwin
Elastic catches DPRK passing out KANDYKORN
2023-10-27ElasticJoe Desimone, Salim Bitam
GHOSTPULSE haunts victims using defense evasion bag o' tricks
HijackLoader Lumma Stealer NetSupportManager RAT Rhadamanthys SectopRAT Vidar
2023-10-13ElasticCyril François
Disclosing the BLOODALCHEMY backdoor
BloodAlchemy REF5961
2023-10-03ElasticAndrew Pease, Cyril François, Daniel Stepanic, Salim Bitam, Seth Goodwin
Introducing the REF5961 intrusion set (RUDEBIRD, DOWNTOWN, and EAGERBEE)
EagerBee SManager REF2924 REF5961
2023-08-24ElasticDaniel Stepanic, Salim Bitam
Revisting BLISTER: New development of the BLISTER loader
2023-08-24ElasticDaniel Stepanic, Salim Bitam
Revisting BLISTER: New development of the BLISTER loader
2023-06-29ElasticAndrew Pease, Colson Wilhoit, Ricardo Ungureanu, Salim Bitam, Seth Goodwin
The DPRK strikes using a new variant of RUSTBUCKET
2023-06-21ElasticAndrew Pease, Colson Wilhoit, Ricardo Ungureanu, Salim Bitam, Seth Goodwin
Initial research exposing JOKERSPY
2023-06-09ElasticCyril François, Daniel Stepanic, Seth Goodwin
Elastic charms SPECTRALVIPER
2023-06-09ElasticCyril François, Daniel Stepanic, Seth Goodwin
Elastic charms SPECTRALVIPER
2023-05-04ElasticCyril François
Unpacking ICEDID
IcedID PhotoLoader
2023-04-25ElasticDaniel Stepanic
Elastic Security Labs discovers the LOBSHOT malware
2023-04-07ElasticSalim Bitam
Attack chain leads to XWORM and AGENTTESLA
Agent Tesla XWorm
2023-03-30ElasticDaniel Stepanic, Devon Kerr, Joe Desimone, Remco Sprooten, Samir Bousseaden
Elastic users protected from SUDDENICON’s supply chain attack
3CX Backdoor
2023-03-27ElasticRemco Sprooten
REF2924: how to maintain persistence as an (advanced?) threat
Godzilla Webshell Behinder NAPLISTENER SiestaGraph REF2924
2023-03-20ElasticRemco Sprooten
NAPLISTENER: more bad dreams from developers of SIESTAGRAPH
2023-03-17ElasticCyril François, Daniel Stepanic
Thawing the permafrost of ICEDID Summary
IcedID PhotoLoader
2023-02-02ElasticAndrew Pease, Cyril François, Devon Kerr, Remco Sprooten, Salim Bitam, Seth Goodwin
Update to the REF2924 intrusion set and related campaigns
DoorMe ShadowPad SiestaGraph
2022-12-16ElasticAndrew Pease, Daniel Stepanic, Devon Kerr, Salim Bitam, Samir Bousseaden, Seth Goodwin
SiestaGraph: New implant uncovered in ASEAN member foreign ministry
DoorMe SiestaGraph