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2021-03-05WiredAndy Greenberg
Chinese Hacking Spree Hit an ‘Astronomical’ Number of Victims
2021-02-15WiredAndy Greenberg
France Ties Russia's Sandworm to a Multiyear Hacking Spree
Exaramel Exaramel
2021-02-08WiredAndy Greenberg
A Hacker Tried to Poison a Florida City's Water Supply, Officials Say
2021-01-19Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brad Duncan
Wireshark Tutorial: Examining Emotet Infection Traffic
Emotet GootKit IcedID QakBot TrickBot
2021-01-18WiredAndy Greenberg
Trump’s Worst, Most Bizarre Statements About ‘the Cyber’
2020-12-17WiredErica Borghard, Jacquelyn Schneider
Russia's Hack Wasn't Cyberwar. That Complicates US Strategy
2020-10-26WiredAndy Greenberg
The Russian Hackers (BERSERK BEAR) Playing 'Chekhov's Gun' With US Infrastructure
2020-10-19WiredAndy Greenberg
US Indicts Sandworm, Russia's Most Destructive Cyberwar Unit
EternalPetya Olympic Destroyer
2020-10-01WiredAndy Greenberg
Russia’s Fancy Bear Hackers Likely Penetrated a US Federal Agency
Cobalt Strike Meterpreter
2020-08-21Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brad Duncan
Wireshark Tutorial: Decrypting HTTPS Traffic
2020-08-06WiredAndy Greenberg
Chinese Hackers Have Pillaged Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry
Cobalt Strike MimiKatz Winnti Red Charon
2020-07-24WiredAndy Greenberg
Russia's GRU Hackers Hit US Government and Energy Targets
2020-07-16WiredAndy Greenberg
Iranian Spies Accidentally Leaked Videos of Themselves Hacking
2020-05-28WiredAndy Greenberg
NSA: Russia's Sandworm Hackers Have Hijacked Mail Servers
2020-05-06YoroiDavide Testa, Luca Mella, Luigi Martire
New Cyber Operation Targets Italy: Digging Into the Netwire Attack Chain
NetWire RC
2020-04-03Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brad Duncan
GuLoader: Malspam Campaign Installing NetWire RAT
CloudEyE NetWire RC
2020-03-05VinCSSDang Dinh Phuong
[RE011] Unpack crypter của malware Netwire bằng x64dbg
NetWire RC
2020-02-13Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brad Duncan
Wireshark Tutorial: Examining Qakbot Infections
2019-12-23Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brad Duncan
Wireshark Tutorial: Examining Ursnif Infections
2019-11-20vmwareTakahiro Haruyama
Active C2 Discovery Using Protocol Emulation Part1 (HYDSEVEN NetWire)
NetWire RC