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2021-11-15MalwarebytesJovi Umawing
Evasive maneuvers: HTML smuggling explained
2021-11-15TRUESECFabio Viggiani
ProxyShell, QBot, and Conti Ransomware Combined in a Series of Cyberattacks
Cobalt Strike Conti QakBot blogLuca Ebach
Guess who’s back
2021-11-14Github (gabrielcurrie)Gabriel Currie
Ready for (nearly) anything: Five things to prepare for a cyber security incident
2021-11-14Twitter (@f0wlsec)Marius Genheimer
A static config extractor for the main component of DanaBot
2021-11-13ZAYOTEMHalil Filik, Mustafa Günel
Alien Technical Analysis Report
2021-11-13YouTube (AGDC Services)AGDC Services
Automate Qbot Malware String Decryption With Ghidra Script
2021-11-13Just StillStill Hsu
Threat Spotlight - Domain Fronting
Cobalt Strike
2021-11-13Trend MicroIan Kenefick, Vladimir Kropotov
QAKBOT Loader Returns With New Techniques and Tools
2021-11-12Twitter (@3xp0rtblog)3xp0rt
Tweets on DarkLoader
2021-11-12Twitter (@Arkbird_SOLG)Arkbird
Tweets on Void Balaur using QuantLoader and ZStealer
QuantLoader ZStealer
2021-11-12Trend MicroIan Kenefick, Vladimir Kropotov
The Prelude to Ransomware: A Look into Current QAKBOT Capabilities and Global Activities
2021-11-12360 netlabAlex.Turing, Hui Wang, YANG XU
Malware uses namesilo Parking pages and Google's custom pages to spread
2021-11-12MalwarebytesHossein Jazi
A multi-stage PowerShell based attack targets Kazakhstan
Cobalt Strike
2021-11-12Living CodeDominik Degroot
AgentTesla dropped via NSIS installer
Agent Tesla
2021-11-12CUJOAIAlbert Zsigovits
New Threat Alert: Krane Malware
2021-11-12CrowdStrikeAnmol Maurya
Golang Malware Is More than a Fad: Financial Motivation Drives Adoption
2021-11-12Recorded FutureInsikt Group®
The Business of Fraud: Botnet Malware Dissemination
Mozi Dridex IcedID QakBot TrickBot
Malware Analysis: Syscalls: Examining how to analyse malware that uses syscalls as opposed to API calls
2021-11-11vmwareGiovanni Vigna, Jason Zhang, Stefano Ortolani, Threat Analysis Unit
Research Recap: How To Automate Malware Campaign Detection With Telemetry Peak Analyzer
Phorpiex QakBot