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2024-06-06BlackberryDmitry Melikov
Kimsuky is targeting an arms manufacturer in Europe.
2024-06-06Bleeping ComputerSergiu Gatlan
New Gitloker attacks wipe GitHub repos in extortion scheme
Tracking LightSpy: Certificates as Windows into Adversary Behavior
2024-06-06CrowdStrikeAlexandru Dinu, Dragoș Corlătescu, Mihaela Găman, Paul Sumedrea
EMBERSim: A Large-Scale Databank for Boosting Similarity Search in Malware Analysis
2024-06-06Medium b.magnezi0xMrMagnezi
Agent Tesla Analysis
Agent Tesla
2024-06-06Medium b.magnezi0xMrMagnezi
Remcos RAT Analysis
2024-06-06kienmanowar Blogm4n0w4r, Tran Trung Kien
[QuickNote] DarkGate – Make AutoIt Great Again
2024-06-05MandiantJamie Collier, Michelle Cantos
Phishing for Gold: Cyber Threats Facing the 2024 Paris Olympics
2024-06-05SymantecSymantec Threat Intelligence
RansomHub: New Ransomware has Origins in Older Knight
Knight RansomHub RansomHub
2024-06-05QuoIntelligenceAlixia Clarisse Rutayisire
European Election Security At Risk: A Detailed Analysis of State-Sponsored, eCrime, and Hacktivist Threats
2024-06-05QurakslabFabrice Rossi, Florian Yger, Riccardo Mori, Robin David, Roxane Cohen
QBinDiff: A modular differ to enhance binary diffing and graph alignment (Slides)
2024-06-05QuarksLabFabrice Rossi, Florian Yger, Riccardo Mori, Robin David, Roxane Cohen
QBinDiff: A modular differ to enhance binary diffing and graph alignment (Video)
UAC-0020 (Vermin) attacks the Defense Forces of Ukraine using the SPECTR SPZ in tandem with the legitimate SyncThing ("SickSync" campaign) (CERT-UA#9934)
2024-06-05SSTICCharles Meslay
Reverse engineering of malicious code in CTI - Analysis of the evolution of an infection chain (Video)
2024-06-05SekoiaCharles Meslay
Reverse engineering of malicious code in CTI - Analysis of the evolution of an infection chain (Paper)
2024-06-05SekoiaCharles Meslay
The reverse engineering of malicious code in the ITC - Analysis of the evolution of a chain of infection (Slides)
2024-06-05S-RMDavid Broom, Gavin Hull
Exmatter malware levels up: S-RM observes new variant with simultaneous remote code execution and data targeting
BlackCat BlackMatter Conti ExMatter LockBit REvil Ryuk
2024-06-05Cisco TalosCisco Talos
DarkGate switches up its tactics with new payload, email templates
2024-06-04QianxinRed Raindrop Team
Operation Veles: Decade-Long Espionage Targeting the Global Research and Education Sector
2024-06-04AquasecNitzan Yaakov
Muhstik Malware Targets Message Queuing Services Applications