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S.O.V.A. - A new Android Banking trojan with fowl intentions
2021-09-09Trend MicroTrend Micro
Remote Code Execution 0-Day (CVE-2021-40444) Hits Windows, Triggered Via Office Docs
BumbleBee Cobalt Strike
2021-09-09Stranded on Pylos BlogJoe Slowik
A Spectrum of State Ransomware Responsibility
2021-09-09BlackberryThe BlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
Threat Thursday: Get Your Paws Off My Data, Raccoon Infostealer
FluBot Variant Masquerading As The Default Android Voicemail App
2021-09-09Qrator LabsQrator
Mēris botnet, climbing to the record
2021-09-09ZscalerSahil Antil, Sudeep Singh
CloudFall Targets Researchers and Scientists Invited to International Military Conferences in Central Asia and Eastern Europe
2021-09-09Advanced IntelligenceAnastasia Sentsova, Yelisey Boguslavskiy
Groove VS Babuk; Groove Ransom Manifesto & RAMP Underground Platform Secret Inner Workings
Babuk Babuk
2021-09-09Medium s2wlabS2W TALON
Case Analysis of Suncrypt Ransomware Negotiation and Bitcoin Transaction
2021-09-09Cyber-AnubisNidal Fikri
Hancitor Loader | RE & Config Extraction
2021-09-09Recorded FutureInsikt Group
Dark Covenant: Connections Between the Russian State and Criminal Actors
BlackEnergy EternalPetya Gameover P2P Zeus
2021-09-09Twitter(@michalmalik)Michal Malík
Tweet on HabitsRAT for Linux
2021-09-09SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Grayfly: Chinese Threat Actor Uses Newly-discovered Sidewalk Malware
CROSSWALK MimiKatz SideWalk
2021-09-09Lacework LabsLacework Labs
PYSA Ransomware Gang adds Linux Support
2021-09-09IBMMegan Roddie
LockBit 2.0: Ransomware Attacks Surge After Successful Affiliate Recruitment
2021-09-08CrowdStrikeFalcon OverWatch Team
2021 Threat Hunting Report
2021-09-08SentinelOneIgor Tsemakhovich, Juan Andrés Guerrero-Saade
Egomaniac: An Unscrupulous Turkish-Nexus Threat Actor
Ahtapot Rad Turkojan
2021-09-08ProofpointCrista Giering, Davide Canali, Sam Scholten, Tim Kromphardt
Advance Fee Fraud: The Emergence of Elaborate Crypto Schemes
2021-09-08Microstep Intelligence BureauMicrostep Online Research Response Center
Trilateral operation: years of cyberespionage against countries in south asia and the middle east (APT36)
AndroRAT Crimson RAT
2021-09-08laceworkLacework Labs
Muhstik Takes Aim at Confluence CVE 2021-26084