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2021-08-30Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brock Mammen, Haozhe Zhang
New Mirai Variant Targets WebSVN Command Injection Vulnerability (CVE-2021-32305)
2021-08-30CSO OnlineLucian Constantin
LockFile ransomware uses intermittent encryption to evade detection
2021-08-30zero day initiativeSimon Zuckerbraun
ProxyToken: An Authentication Bypass in Microsoft Exchange Server
2021-08-30360 netlabAlex.Turing, GenShen Ye, Hui Wang
The Mostly Dead Mozi and Its’ Lingering Bots
2021-08-29Medium Asuna AmawakaAsuna Amawaka
Quarians, Turians and…QuickHeal
2021-08-29The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
Cobalt Strike, a Defender’s Guide
Cobalt Strike
2021-08-28YouTube (Kevin Bock)Kevin Bock
Even Censors Have a Backup: Examining China’s Double HTTPS Censorship Middleboxes - FOCI 21
2021-08-28The Hacker NewsRavie Lakshmanan
LockFile Ransomware Bypasses Protection Using Intermittent File Encryption
MalwareBazaar | GCleaner
2021-08-27AonAon’s Cyber Labs, Noah Rubin
Cobalt Strike Configuration Extractor and Parser
Cobalt Strike
2021-08-27University of MarylandDave Levin, Gabriel Naval, Kevin Bock, Kyle Reese
Even Censors Have a Backup: Examining China’s Double HTTPS Censorship Middleboxes
2021-08-27Seguranca InformaticaPedro Tavares
Fraude personificando a marca Continente espalha-se através do WhatsApp: Não se deixe enganar!
Anubis Android Malware Analysis
2021-08-27MorphisecMorphisec Labs
ProxyShell Exchange Exploitation Now Leads To An Increasing Amount Of Cobaltstrike Backdoors
Cobalt Strike
2021-08-27The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
Phorpiex botnet shuts down, source code goes up for sale
2021-08-27JuniperAsher Langton
RealTek CVE-2021-35394 Exploited in the Wild
2021-08-27SophosMark Loman
LockFile ransomware’s box of tricks: intermittent encryption and evasion
2021-08-26MIT Technology ReviewPatrick Howell O'Neill
Hackers are trying to topple Belarus’s dictator, with help from the inside
2021-08-26nprDina Temple-Raston
China's Microsoft Hack May Have Had A Bigger Purpose Than Just Spying
2021-08-26The New York TimesChris Buckley, Paul Mozur
Spies for Hire: China’s New Breed of Hackers Blends Espionage and Entrepreneurship