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2023-09-25Video Games ChronicleTom Ivan
A ransomware group claims to have breached ‘all Sony systems’
Warning: Newly Discovered APT Attacker AtlasCross Exploits Red Cross Blood Drive Phishing for Cyberattack
AtlasAgent AtlasCross
2023-09-25SecuronixD. Iuzvyk, Oleg Kolesnikov, Tim Peck
Securonix Threat Labs Security Advisory: New STARK#VORTEX Attack Campaign: Threat Actors Use Drone Manual Lures to Deliver MerlinAgent Payloads
REArchive: Reverse engineering APT37’s GOLDBACKDOOR dropper
2023-09-22Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Lior Rochberger, Robert Falcone, Tom Fakterman
Cyberespionage Attacks Against Southeast Asian Government Linked to Stately Taurus, Aka Mustang Panda
Cobalt Strike MimiKatz RemCom ShadowPad TONESHELL
2023-09-22MandiantDan Black, Josh Atkins, Luke Jenkins
Backchannel Diplomacy: APT29’s Rapidly Evolving Diplomatic Phishing Operations
Brute Ratel C4 Cobalt Strike EnvyScout GraphDrop QUARTERRIG sRDI Unidentified 107 (APT29)
2023-09-22Sophos X-OpsSophos X-Ops
Mastodon Thread on observed activity involving TinyTurla
2023-09-21ESET ResearchZuzana Hromcová
OilRig’s Outer Space and Juicy Mix: Same ol’ rig, new drill pipes
Mango Solar
2023-09-20ProofpointProofpoint Threat Research Team
Chinese Malware Appears in Earnest Across Cybercrime Threat Landscape
FatalRat PurpleFox ValleyRAT
2023-09-19Recorded FutureInsikt Group
Multi-year Chinese APT Campaign Targets South Korean Academic, Government, and Political Entities
Korlia Tonto Team
2023-09-19Cisco TalosArnaud Zobec, Asheer Malhotra, Caitlin Huey, Sean Taylor, Vitor Ventura
New ShroudedSnooper actor targets telecommunications firms in the Middle East with novel Implants
HTTPSnoop PipeSnoop LightBasin ShroudedSnooper
2023-09-18The RecordJonathan Greig
"Scattered Spider" group launches ransomware attacks while expanding targets in hospitality, retail
RedLine Stealer
2023-09-18Alpine SecurityBorja Merino
HijackLoader Targets Hotels: A Technical Analysis
2023-09-18SentinelOneAlex Delamotte
CapraTube | Transparent Tribe’s CapraRAT Mimics YouTube to Hijack Android Phones
CapraRAT Operation C-Major
2023-09-18Trend MicroJaromír Hořejší, Joseph Chen
Earth Lusca Employs New Linux Backdoor, Uses Cobalt Strike for Lateral Movement
2023-09-15CyberCXPhill Moore, Suyash Tripathi, Yogesh Khatri, Zach Stanford
Weaponising VMs to bypass EDR – Akira ransomware
2023-09-14MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence
Peach Sandstorm password spray campaigns enable intelligence collection at high-value targets
2023-09-13KrebsOnSecurityBrian Krebs
FBI Hacker Dropped Stolen Airbus Data on 9/11
RedLine Stealer USDoD
2023-09-13SentinelOneJim Walter
New Ransomware Threats and the Rising Menace of Telegram
2023-09-12SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Redfly: Espionage Actors Continue to Target Critical Infrastructure
ShadowPad Redfly