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2021-01-27Youtube (Національна поліція України)Національна поліція України
Кіберполіція викрила транснаціональне угруповання хакерів у розповсюдженні вірусу EMOTET
In­fra­struk­tur der Emo­tet-Schad­soft­wa­re zer­schla­gen
World’s most dangerous malware EMOTET disrupted through global action
2021-01-26ZecOpsZecOps Research Team
North Korea APT Might Have Used a Mobile 0day Too?
2021-01-26SophosLabs UncutBill Kearney, David Anderson, Michael Heller, Peter Mackenzie, Sergio Bestulic
Nefilim Ransomware Attack Uses “Ghost” Credentials
2021-01-26Digital ShadowsJamie Hart
Ransomware: Analyzing the data from 2020
2021-01-26Medium cycrafttechnologyCyCraft Technology Corp
Threat Attribution — Chimera "Under the Radar"
2021-01-26FireEyeBernard Sapaden, Mohammed Mohsin Dalla, Rahul Mohandas, Sachin Shukla, Srini Seethapathy, Sujnani Ravindra
Phishing Campaign Leverages WOFF Obfuscation and Telegram Channels for Communication
2021-01-26Team CymruCERT-BR, Josh Hopkins, Manabu Niseki
GhostDNSbusters (Part 3) Illuminating GhostDNS Infrastructure
2021-01-26Twitter (@swisscom_csirt)Swisscom CSIRT
Tweet on Cring Ransomware groups using customized Mimikatz sample followed by CobaltStrike and dropping Cring rasomware
Cobalt Strike Cring MimiKatz
2021-01-26CybereasonDaniel Frank
Cybereason vs. RansomEXX Ransomware
RansomEXX RansomEXX
2021-01-26Medium s2wlabHyunmin Suh
W4 Jan | EN | Story of the week: Ransomware on the Darkweb
Avaddon Babuk LockBit
2021-01-26IBMNir Shwarts
TrickBot’s Survival Instinct Prevails — What’s Different About the TrickBoot Version?
2021-01-26ComaeMatt Suiche
PANDORABOX - North Koreans target security researchers
2021-01-26FidelisChris Kubic
Ongoing Analysis of SolarWinds Impacts
2021-01-26One Night in NorfolkKevin Perlow
DPRK Malware Targeting Security Researchers
2021-01-26MimecastMimecast Contributing Writer
Important Security Update
2021-01-26Bleeping ComputerSergiu Gatlan
Mimecast links security breach to SolarWinds hackers
2021-01-26Twitter (@RedDrip7)RedDrip Team
Tweet on DPRK malware used to target security researchers
2021-01-26JPCERT/CCShusei Tomonaga
Operation Dream Job by Lazarus
LCPDot Torisma Lazarus Group