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2017-11-09WiredAndy Greenberg
He Perfected a Password-Hacking Tool—Then the Russians Came Calling
2017-11-04WiredGarrett M. Graff
How the FBI Took Down Russia's Spam King—And His Massive Botnet
2017-10-24WiredAndy Greenberg
New Ransomware Linked to NotPetya Sweeps Russia and Ukraine
2017-09-20WiredAndy Greenberg
The CCleaner Malware Fiasco Targeted at Least 18 Specific Tech Firms
CCleaner Backdoor
2017-08-28Brian Krebs
Tech Firms Team Up to Take Down ‘WireX’ Android DDoS Botnet
The WireX Botnet: How Industry Collaboration Disrupted a DDoS Attack
2017-07-12WiredLily Hay Newman
Iranian Hackers Have Been Infiltrating Critical Infrastructure Companies
2017-03-21WiredChad Hagen, Garrett M. Graff
Inside the Hunt for Russia’s Most Notorious Hacker
Gameover P2P Murofet Zeus
2017-03-21WiredChad Hagen, Garrett M. Graff
Inside the Hunt for Russia’s Most Notorious Hacker
Gameover P2P Murofet Zeus
2017-03-21WiredGarrett M. Graff
Inside the Hunt for Russia's Most Notorious Hacker
Gameover P2P
2016-12-09Bleeping ComputerCatalin Cimpanu
"Proof of Concept" CryptoWire Ransomware Spawns Lomix and UltraLocker Families
2016-11-28SecureworksIncident Reponse Team
NetWire RAT Steals Payment Card Data
NetWire RC
2016-03-20TripwireTripwire Guest Authos
Hidden Tear Project: Forbidden Fruit Is the Sweetest
TR-23 Analysis - NetWiredRC malware
NetWire RC
2014-09-01WiredNumaan Huq
PoS RAM Scraper Malware
Decebal rdasrv
2014-08-04Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Phil Da Silva, Rob Downs, Ryan Olson
New Release: Decrypting NetWire C2 Traffic
NetWire RC
2014-08-04Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Phil Da Silva, Rob Downs, Ryan Olson
New Release: Decrypting NetWire C2 Traffic
NetWire RC
2014-08-04Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Phil Da Silva, Rob Downs, Ryan Olson
New Release: Decrypting NetWire C2 Traffic
NetWire RC
2014-01-01Palo Alto Networks Unit 42paloalto Networks: Unit42
WIRELURKER: A New Era in iOS and OS X Malware
WireLurker WireLurker
2012-12-07Contagiodump BlogMila Parkour
Aug 2012 Backdoor.Wirenet - OSX and Linux
Wirenet Wirenet