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2020-12-15MalwarebytesPieter Arntz
Threat profile: Egregor ransomware is making a name for itself
2020-12-15Cyborg SecurityAustin Jackson
Threat Hunt Deep Dives: SolarWinds Supply Chain Compromise (Solorigate / SUNBURST Backdoor)
2020-12-15360 Threat Intelligence CenterAdvanced Threat Institute
Operation Falling Eagle-the secret of the most influential supply chain attack in history
2020-12-15Trend MicroWilliam Gamazo Sanchez
Who is the Threat Actor Behind Operation Earth Kitsune?
Freenki Loader SLUB Earth Kitsune
2020-12-14SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Sunburst: Supply Chain Attack Targets SolarWinds Users
2020-12-14Cisco TalosNick Biasini
Threat Advisory: SolarWinds supply chain attack
2020-12-14Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Unit 42
Threat Brief: SolarStorm and SUNBURST Customer Coverage
Cobalt Strike SUNBURST
2020-12-14VolexityDamien Cash, Matthew Meltzer, Sean Koessel, Steven Adair, Thomas Lancaster, Volexity Threat Research
Dark Halo Leverages SolarWinds Compromise to Breach Organizations
2020-12-10Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Unit42
Threat Brief: FireEye Red Team Tool Breach
Cobalt Strike
2020-12-08Red CanaryMatt Graeber
The why, what, and how of threat research
2020-12-08Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Brittany Barbehenn, Doel Santos, Robert Falcone
Threat Assessment: Egregor Ransomware
2020-12-07ProofpointProofpoint Threat Research Team
Commodity .NET Packers use Embedded Images to Hide Payloads
Agent Tesla Loki Password Stealer (PWS) Remcos
APT annual review: What the world’s threat actors got up to in 2020
TwoSail Junk
2020-12-02Aqua NautilusAssaf Morag, Idan Revivo
Threat Alert: Fileless Malware Executing in Containers
2020-12-02SansecSansec Threat Research Team
Persistent parasite in EOL Magento 2 stores wakes at Black Friday
2020-12-02AquaAssaf Morag, Idan Revivo
Threat Alert: Fileless Malware Executing in Containers
2020-12-01QianxinQi Anxin Threat Intelligence Center
Blade Eagle Group - Targeted attack group activities circling the Middle East and West Asia's cyberspace revealed
SpyNote BladeHawk
Alert (AA20-336A): Advanced Persistent Threat Actors Targeting U.S. Think Tanks
2020-11-30MicrosoftMicrosoft 365 Defender Threat Intelligence Team
Threat actor leverages coin miner techniques to stay under the radar – here’s how to spot them
2020-11-30MicrosoftMicrosoft 365 Defender Threat Intelligence Team, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center (MSTIC)
Threat actor (BISMUTH) leverages coin miner techniques to stay under the radar – here’s how to spot them
Cobalt Strike