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2018-04-29Johannes Bader
The new Domain Generation Algorithm of Nymaim
2018-04-27Virus BulletinMartijn Grooten
GravityRAT malware takes your system's temperature
Gravity RAT
2018-04-27Bleeping ComputerCatalin Cimpanu
North Korean Hackers Are up to No Good Again
Lazarus Group
2018-04-26Cisco TalosPaul Rascagnères, Warren Mercer
GravityRAT - The Two-Year Evolution Of An APT Targeting India
Gravity RAT
2018-04-26Trend MicroMiguel Ang
Necurs Evolves to Evade Spam Detection via Internet Shortcut File
Necurs QuantLoader
2018-04-24McAfeeRyan Sherstobitoff
Analyzing Operation GhostSecret: Attack Seeks to Steal Data Worldwide
2018-04-24McAfeeAsheer Malhotra, Ryan Sherstobitoff
Analyzing Operation GhostSecret: Attack Seeks to Steal Data Worldwide
Lazarus Group
2018-04-24FireEyeEdson Sierra, Gerardo Iglesias
Metamorfo Campaigns Targeting Brazilian Users
2018-04-24MalwarebytesThomas Reed
New Crossrider variant installs configuration profiles on Macs
2018-04-24ESET ResearchESET Research
Sednit update: Analysis of Zebrocy
Zebrocy Zebrocy (AutoIT)
2018-04-23Accenture SecurityBart Parys
HOGFISH REDLEAVES CAMPAIGN: HOGFISH (APT10) targets Japan with RedLeaves implants in “new battle”
2018-04-23Accenture SecurityBart Parys
HOGFISH REDLEAVES CAMPAIGN: HOGFISH (APT10) targets Japan with RedLeaves implants in “new battle”
RedLeaves APT10
2018-04-23SymantecSecurity Response Attack Investigation Team
New Orangeworm attack group targets the healthcare sector in the U.S., Europe, and Asia
Kwampirs Orangeworm
2018-04-23ThreatpostLindsey O'Donnell
Muhstik Botnet Exploits Highly Critical Drupal Bug
2018-04-23Kaspersky LabsKaspersky Lab ICS CERT
Energetic Bear/Crouching Yeti: attacks on servers
2018-04-22Blaze's Security BlogBartBlaze
Satan ransomware adds EternalBlue exploit
2018-04-20NCC GroupNikolaos Pantazopoulos
Decoding network data from a Gh0st RAT variant
Ghost RAT APT27
2018-04-20Trend MicroTrend Micro
XLoader Android Spyware and Banking Trojan Distributed via DNS Spoofing
MoqHao Yanbian Gang
2018-04-20Booz Allen HamiltonJay Novak, Matthew Pennington
Researchers Discover New variants of APT34 Malware
2018-04-19Trend MicroLorin Wu
XLoader Android Spyware and Banking Trojan Distributed via DNS Spoofing