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BlackMatter Under the Lens: An Emerging Ransomware Group Looking for Affiliates
2021-08-04Jan Gruber
Understanding BlackMatter's API Hashing
2021-08-04Recorded FutureInsikt Group®
Protect Against BlackMatter Ransomware Before It’s Offered
BlackMatter DarkSide
2021-08-03Twitter (@sysopfb)Jason Reaves
Tweet on python script to decode the blob from Blackmatter ransomware
2021-08-03Twitter (@ValthekOn)Valthek
Tweet on blacklisted extensions & names of BlackMatter ransomware making the check against custom hashes values
2021-08-03Twitter (@sisoma2)sisoma2
Python script for recovering the hashes hardcoded in different samples of the BlackMatter ransomware
2021-08-02The RecordDmitry Smilyanets
An interview with BlackMatter: A new ransomware group that’s learning from the mistakes of DarkSide and REvil
DarkSide LockBit REvil
2021-08-01ID RansomwareAndrew Ivanov
BlackMatter Ransomware
2021-07-31Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
DarkSide ransomware gang returns as new BlackMatter operation
2021-07-31Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
BlackMatter ransomware gang rises from the ashes of DarkSide, REvil
DarkSide REvil
2021-07-28ThreatpostLisa Vaas
BlackMatter & Haron: Evil Ransomware Newborns or Rebirths
Haron Ransomware
Chatter Indicates BlackMatter as REvil Successor
2021-07-27The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
BlackMatter ransomware targets companies with revenue of $100 million and more
2021-07-27Recorded FutureInsikt Group®
BlackMatter Ransomware Emerges As Successor to DarkSide, REvil
DarkSide LockBit REvil
2021-07-13zimperiumRichard Melick
Joker Is Still No Laughing Matter
2021-07-13YouTube ( Matt Soseman)Matt Soseman
Solarwinds and SUNBURST attacks compromised my lab!
Cobalt Strike Raindrop SUNBURST TEARDROP
2021-06-24ProofpointCrista Giering, Dennis Schwarz, Matthew Mesa
JSSLoader: Recoded and Reloaded
JSSLoader Storm-0324
2021-06-22CrowdStrikeThe Falcon Complete Team
Response When Minutes Matter: Falcon Complete Disrupts WIZARD SPIDER eCrime Operators
Cobalt Strike
2021-06-15NCC GroupMichael Matthews, NCC RIFT, William Backhouse
Handy guide to a new Fivehands ransomware variant
2021-06-09ESET ResearchMatthieu Faou, Thomas Dupuy
Gelsemium: When threat actors go gardening