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2023-10-03Outpost24David Catalan
Rhadamanthys malware analysis: How infostealers use VMs to avoid analysis
2023-10-03Luca Mella
Lighting the Exfiltration Infrastructure of a LockBit Affiliate (and more)
LockBit LockBit Conti LockBit
LightSpy mAPT Mobile Payment System Attack
DragonEgg WyrmSpy lightSpy
2023-10-01Infinitum ITKerime Gencay
Agent Tesla Technical Analysis Report (Paywall)
Agent Tesla
2023-10-01CYBERWARZONEReza Rafati
ShinyHunters’ 22-Year-Old Member Pleads Guilty to Cyber Extortion, Causing $6 Million in Damage
2023-10-01r-tecSven Rath
.NET Assembly Obfuscation for Memory Scanner Evasion
2023-09-29ESET ResearchPeter Kálnai
Lazarus luring employees with trojanized coding challenges: The case of a Spanish aerospace company
CLOUDBURST LightlessCan miniBlindingCan sRDI
2023-09-29IntrinsecCTI Intrinsec, Intrinsec
Ongoing threats targeting the energy industry
Agent Tesla CloudEyE
2023-09-28Cisco TalosJonathan Munshaw
The security pitfalls of social media sites offering ID-based authentication
2023-09-28Ransomware.orgJohn E. Dunn
The Scattered Spider Ransomware Group’s Secret Weapons? Social Engineering and Fluent English
2023-09-28HarfangLabClaudio Teixeira
Loader Galore - TaskLoader at the start of a Pay-per-Install Infection Chain
CustomerLoader Fabookie LgoogLoader SmokeLoader
2023-09-28CIPState Service of Special Communication and Information Protection of Ukraine (CIP)
Russia's Cyber Tactics H1' 2023
APT29 Sandworm Turla XakNet Zarya
Exploring ScamClub Payloads via Deobfuscation Using Abstract Syntax Trees
2023-09-27SecurityAffairsPierluigi Paganini
‘Ransomed.VC’ in the Spotlight – What is Known About the Ransomware Group Targeting Sony and NTT Docomo
Uncovering the “Easy Stealer” Infostealer
Easy Stealer
2023-09-27Positive TechnologiesDenis Kuvshinov, Maxim Andreev
Dark River. You can't see them, but they're there
Dacls Unidentified 106
2023-09-27Cyber GeeksVlad Pasca
A Deep Dive into Brute Ratel C4 payloads – Part 2
Brute Ratel C4
2023-09-26ANY.RUNJane, khr0x
Analyzing Lu0Bot: A Node.js Malware with Near-Unlimited Capabilities
2023-09-25EchoCTIBilal BAKARTEPE, bixploit
Rhdamanthys Technical Analysis Report
2023-09-25EchoCTIBilal BAKARTEPE, bixploit
StealC Technical Analysis Report