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2025-01-30IntrinsecCTI Intrinsec
Telegram Stories: voice spoofers, tools and operating modes
2025-01-24IntrinsecCTI Intrinsec
"Premium panel": phishing tool used in longstanding campaigns worldwide
2024-12-30IntrinsecCTI Intrinsec
CryptBot: Hunting for initial access vectors
CryptBot Lumma Stealer PrivateLoader
2024-11-21IntrinsecCTI Intrinsec, Intrinsec
PROSPERO & Proton66: Uncovering the links between bulletproof networks
Coper SpyNote FAKEUPDATES GootLoader EugenLoader
2024-11-20IntrinsecEquipe CTI
PROSPERO & Proton66: Tracing Uncovering the links between bulletproof networks
Coper SpyNote FAKEUPDATES GootLoader EugenLoader IcedID Matanbuchus Nokoyawa Ransomware Pikabot
Matanbuchus & Co: Code Emulation and Cybercrime Infrastructure Discovery
2023-11-28IntrinsecCERT Intrinsec, Intrinsec
Aki-RATs – Command and Control Party
2023-10-17IntrinsecCTI Intrinsec
Lumma Stealer actively deployed in multiple campaigns
Lumma Stealer
2023-10-04Twitter (@Intrisec)CTI Intrinsec
Tweet about new Bumblebee campaign leveraging CVE-2023-38831
2023-09-29IntrinsecCTI Intrinsec, Intrinsec
Ongoing threats targeting the energy industry
Agent Tesla CloudEyE
2023-09-07Twitter (@Intrisec)CTI Intrinsec
Tweets on Bumblebee campaign spreading via Html smuggling downloading RAR archive with European Central Bank PDF lure and folder containing Bumblebee EXE payload.
2023-02-14IntrinsecCTI Intrinsec, Intrinsec
Vice-Society spreads its own ransomware
HelloKitty PolyVice Zeppelin
ProxyNotShell – OWASSRF – Merry Xchange
Cobalt Strike SystemBC
2023-01-09IntrinsecCTI Intrinsec, Intrinsec
Emotet returns and deploys loaders
BumbleBee Emotet IcedID PHOTOLITE
2022-10-18IntrinsecCERT Intrinsec, Intrinsec
APT27 – One Year To Exfiltrate Them All: Intrusion In-Depth Analysis
HyperBro MimiKatz
High-Profile Data Theft Intrusion Set LAPSUS
2022-02-08IntrinsecMarvin Tachon
Annual Threat trends 2021
ALPHV ransomware gang analysis
BlackCat BlackCat
ALPHV ransomware gang analysis
BlackCat LockBit
2020-11-12IntrinsecJean Bichet
Egregor – Prolock: Fraternal Twins ?
Egregor PwndLocker QakBot
2020-04-14IntrinsecJean Bichet
Deobfuscating and hunting for OSTAP, Trickbot’s dropper and best friend
ostap TrickBot