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2024-11-13ANY.RUNAaron Jornet Sales, ANY.RUN
HawkEye Malware: Technical Analysis
HawkEye Keylogger
2024-11-13SekoiaColine Chavane, Sekoia TDR
A three-beat waltz: The ecosystem behind Chinese state-sponsored cyber threats
Cracking Formbook malware: Blind deobfuscation and quick response techniques
2024-11-13BitdefenderMartin Zugec
ShrinkLocker (+Decryptor): From Friend to Foe, and Back Again
CVE-2024-43451: A New Zero-Day Vulnerability Exploited in the wild
SparkRAT UAC-0194
2024-11-12KrollGeorge Glass, Ryan Hicks
LUMMASTEALER Delivered Via PowerShell Social Engineering
Lumma Stealer
2024-11-12BlackberryBlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
LightSpy: APT41 Deploys Advanced DeepData Framework In Targeted Southern Asia Espionage Campaign
2024-11-12Recorded FutureInsikt Group
China-Nexus TAG-112 Compromises Tibetan Websites to Distribute Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike TAG-112
2024-11-12QianxinAlex Turing
New Zero-Detection Variant of Melofee Backdoor from Winnti Strikes RHEL 7.9
2024-11-12Recorded FutureInsikt Group
China-Nexus TAG-112 Compromises Tibetan Websites to Distribute Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike
2024-11-12SecurityScorecardRyan Sherstobitoff
The Botnet is Back: SSC STRIKE Team Uncovers a Renewed Cyber Threat
Targeting Innovation: Sliver C2 and Ligolo-ng Used in Operation Aimed at Y Combinator
Amazon confirms employee data breach after vendor hack
2024-11-10DFIR.chStephan Berger
Reptile's Custom Kernel-Module Launcher
2024-11-08FortinetXiaopeng Zhang
New Campaign Uses Remcos RAT to Exploit Victims
2024-11-08Trend MicroLenart Bermejo, Leon M Chang, Ted Lee
Breaking Down Earth Estries' Persistent TTPs in Prolonged Cyber Operations
2024-11-08Rostelecom-SolarSolar 4RAYS
The Elusive GoblinRAT – The Story Behind the Most Secretive and Mysterious Linux Backdoor Found in Government Infrastructures
2024-11-08RedPacket SecurityRedPacket Security
[APT73] – Ransomware Victim: www[.]baldinger-ag[.]ch
2024-11-07Cisco TalosAliza Johnson, Chetan Raghuprasad, Elio Biasiotto, Michael Szeliga
Unwrapping the emerging Interlock ransomware attack
2024-11-07ESET ResearchESET Research
APT Activity Report: Abusing Cloud Services and VPN Platforms in the Pursuit of New Prey