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2022-08-18MandiantDouglas Bienstock
You Can’t Audit Me: APT29 Continues Targeting Microsoft 365
2022-03-08MandiantDouglas Bienstock, Geoff Ackerman, John Wolfram, Rufus Brown, Van Ta
Does This Look Infected? A Summary of APT41 Targeting U.S. State Governments
2021-01-19MandiantDouglas Bienstock, Matthew McWhirt, Mike Burns, Nick Bennett
Remediation and Hardening Strategies for Microsoft 365 to Defend Against UNC2452 (WHITE PAPER)
2021-01-19FireEyeDouglas Bienstock, Matthew McWhirt, Mike Burns, Nick Bennett
Remediation and Hardening Strategies for Microsoft 365 to Defend Against UNC2452
2020-10-28FireEyeDouglas Bienstock, Jeremy Kennelly, Joshua Shilko, Kimberly Goody, Steve Elovitz
Unhappy Hour Special: KEGTAP and SINGLEMALT With a Ransomware Chaser
BazarBackdoor Cobalt Strike Ryuk UNC1878
2019-04-05FireEyeAlex Pennino, Andrew Thompson, Ben Fedore, Brendan McKeague, Douglas Bienstock, Geoff Ackerman, Van Ta
Pick-Six: Intercepting a FIN6 Intrusion, an Actor Recently Tied to Ryuk and LockerGoga Ransomware
LockerGoga Ryuk FIN6