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2022-08-15F5 LabsAditya K. Sood, David Warburton, Malcolm Heath, Sander Vinberg
BlackGuard Infostealer Malware: Dissecting the State of Exfiltrated Data
2022-06-15F5 LabsDavid Warburton, Dor Nizar, Malcolm Heath, Sander Vinberg
F5 Labs Investigates MaliBot
2020-08-09F5 LabsDebbie Walkowski, Remi Cohen
Banking Trojans: A Reference Guide to the Malware Family Tree
BackSwap Carberp Citadel DanaBot Dridex Dyre Emotet Gozi Kronos PandaBanker Ramnit Shylock SpyEye Tinba TrickBot Vawtrak Zeus
2020-06-11F5 LabsDoron Voolf
Qbot Banking Trojan Still Up to Its Old Tricks
2019-12-18F5 LabsEli Kreminchuker, Maxim Zavodchik, Raymond Pompon
Echobot Malware Now up to 71 Exploits, Targeting SCADA
2016-11-07F5 LabsAnna Dorfman, Julia Karpin, Shaul Vilkomir-Preisman
Little Trickbot Growing Up: New Campaign