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2025-03-20Cisco TalosAsheer Malhotra, Brandon White, Jungsoo An, Vitor Ventura
UAT-5918 targets critical infrastructure entities in Taiwan
LaZagne JuicyPotato Meterpreter MimiKatz
2023-12-11Cisco TalosAsheer Malhotra, Jungsoo An, Vitor Ventura
Operation Blacksmith: Lazarus targets organizations worldwide using novel Telegram-based malware written in DLang
BottomLoader DLRAT HazyLoad NineRAT
2023-08-24Cisco TalosAsheer Malhotra, Jungsoo An, Vitor Ventura
Lazarus Group's infrastructure reuse leads to discovery of new malware
Collection RAT
2023-08-24Cisco TalosAsheer Malhotra, Jungsoo An, Vitor Ventura
Lazarus Group exploits ManageEngine vulnerability to deploy QuiteRAT
2021-11-10Cisco TalosAsheer Malhotra, Jungsoo An, Kendall McKay
North Korean attackers use malicious blogs to deliver malware to high-profile South Korean targets
2019-09-24Cisco TalosJungsoo An, Paul Rascagnères, Warren Mercer
How Tortoiseshell created a fake veteran hiring website to host malware
Liderc SysKit
2019-01-30Cisco TalosEdmund Brumaghin, Jungsoo An, Paul Rascagnères
Fake Cisco Job Posting Targets Korean Candidates
CoreDN JessieConTea
2018-05-31Cisco TalosJungsoo An, Paul Rascagnères, Warren Mercer
NavRAT Uses US-North Korea Summit As Decoy For Attacks In South Korea
2018-04-02Cisco TalosJungsoo An, Paul Rascagnères, Vitor Ventura, Warren Mercer
Fake AV Investigation Unearths KevDroid, New Android Malware
KevDroid PubNubRAT
2018-01-16Cisco TalosJungsoo An, Paul Rascagnères, Warren Mercer
Korea In The Crosshairs
Freenki Loader PoohMilk Loader RokRAT APT37
2017-11-28CiscoJungsoo An, Paul Rascagnères, Warren Mercer
ROKRAT Reloaded