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2023-07-28Red CanaryStef Rand
Drop It Like It's Qbot: Separating malicious droppers, loaders, and crypters from their payloads
CloudEyE QakBot
2023-03-23Red CanaryRed Canary
2023 / 5.0 Threat Dection Report: Techniques, Trend, and Takeaways
2022-05-25Red CanaryAedan Russell
ChromeLoader: a pushy malvertiser
Choziosi Choziosi
2022-05-12Red CanaryLauren Podber, Tony Lambert
The Goot cause: Detecting Gootloader and its follow-on activity
GootLoader Cobalt Strike
2022-05-12Red CanaryLauren Podber, Tony Lambert
Gootloader and Cobalt Strike malware analysis
GootLoader Cobalt Strike
2022-05-05Red CanaryLauren Podber, Stef Rand
Raspberry Robin gets the worm early
Raspberry Robin
2022-03-22Red CanaryRed Canary
2022 Threat Detection Report
FAKEUPDATES Silver Sparrow BazarBackdoor Cobalt Strike GootKit Yellow Cockatoo RAT
2022-03-16Red CanaryBrian Donohue, Laura Brosnan
Uncompromised: When REvil comes knocking
2022-01-24Red CanaryThe Red Canary Team
Intelligence Insights: January 2022
Blister Conficker
2021-12-16Red CanaryThe Red Canary Team
Intelligence Insights: December 2021
Cobalt Strike QakBot Squirrelwaffle
2021-12-02Red CanaryTony Lambert
KMSPico and Cryptbot: A spicy combo
2021-11-30Red CanaryHarrison van Riper
ProxyShell exploitation leads to BlackByte ransomware
2021-11-18Red CanaryThe Red Canary Team
Intelligence Insights: November 2021
Andromeda Conti LockBit QakBot Squirrelwaffle
2021-09-22Red CanaryThe Red Canary Team
Intelligence Insights: September 2021
2021-08-05Red CanaryBrian Donohue, Dan Cotton, Tony Lambert
When Dridex and Cobalt Strike give you Grief
Cobalt Strike DoppelDridex DoppelPaymer
2021-05-04Red CanaryAaron Didier, Justin Schoenfeld
Transferring leverage in a ransomware attack
2021-03-31Red CanaryRed Canary
2021 Threat Detection Report
Shlayer Andromeda Cobalt Strike Dridex Emotet IcedID MimiKatz QakBot TrickBot
2021-03-09Red CanaryBrian Donohue, Katie Nickels, Tony Lambert
Microsoft Exchange server exploitation: how to detect, mitigate, and stay calm
2021-02-18Red CanaryTony Lambert
Clipping Silver Sparrow’s wings: Outing macOS malware before it takes flight
Silver Sparrow
2021-01-06Red CanaryTony Lambert
Hunting for GetSystem in offensive security tools
Cobalt Strike Empire Downloader Meterpreter PoshC2