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On the Hunt for Ghost(Socks)
LummaC2 Revisited: What’s Making this Stealer Stealthier and More Lethal
GhostSocks Lumma Stealer
The Curious Case of an Open Source Stealer: Phemedrone
Phemedrone Stealer
2024-08-28Talos IntelligenceCraig Jackson, James Nutland, Terryn Valikodath
BlackByte blends tried-and-true tradecraft with newly disclosed vulnerabilities to support ongoing attacks
Reversing Atomic macOS Stealer: Binaries, Backdoors & Browser Theft
2024-03-29Github (thesamsam)Sam James
Gist with XZ Backdoor analysis
2023-11-21ReliaquestJames Xiang
Scattered Spider Attack Analysis
2023-10-13Twitter (@JAMESWT_MHT)JamesWT
Tweets on Wikiloader delivering ISFB
ISFB WikiLoader
2023-07-21MandiantDoug Bienstock, Foti Castelan, James Nugent, Josh Murchie, Justin Moore
Exploitation of Citrix Zero-Day by Possible Espionage Actors (CVE-2023-3519)
2023-03-20MandiantCASEY CHARRIER, James Sadowski
Move, Patch, Get Out the Way: 2022 Zero-Day Exploitation Continues at an Elevated Pace
2022-12-22FortinetJames Slaughter, Shunichi Imano
Ransomware Roundup – Play Ransomware
2022-11-10FortinetJames Slaughter, Shunichi Imano
Ransomware Roundup: New Inlock and Xorist Variants
Inlock Xorist
2022-10-13FortinetJames Slaughter, Shunichi Imano
Ransomware Roundup: Royal Ransomware
Royal Ransom
2022-09-14MandiantJames Maclachlan, Mathew Potaczek, Matt Williams, Nino Isakovic, Yash Gupta
It's Time to PuTTY! DPRK Job Opportunity Phishing via WhatsApp
BLINDINGCAN miniBlindingCan sRDI
2022-08-29SecuronixDen Iyzvyk, Oleg Kolesnikov, Tim Peck
Securonix Threat Labs Security Advisory: New Golang Attack Campaign GO#WEBBFUSCATOR Leverages Office Macros and James Webb Images to Infect Systems
2022-08-18FortinetJames Slaughter, Shunichi Imano
Ransomware Roundup: Gwisin, Kriptor, Cuba, and More
2022-08-08FortinetJames Slaughter
Life After Death - SmokeLoader Continues to Haunt Using Old Vulnerabilities
SmokeLoader zgRAT
2022-08-04FortinetJames Slaughter, Shunichi Imano
Ransomware Roundup: Redeemer, Beamed, and More
2022-07-28SentinelOneJames Haughom, Julien Reisdorffer, Júlio Dantas
Living Off Windows Defender | LockBit Ransomware Sideloads Cobalt Strike Through Microsoft Security Tool
Cobalt Strike LockBit
2022-07-12FortinetJames Slaughter
Spoofed Saudi Purchase Order Drops GuLoader – Part 2