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2021-10-21APNICJames Shank
How to: Threat hunting and threat intelligence
2021-10-04pid4.ioJames Hovious
How to Write a Hancitor Extractor in Go
2021-06-07Twitter (@James_inthe_box)James_inthe_box
Tweet on characteristic strings in snake keylogger
404 Keylogger
2021-06-03Twitter (@James_inthe_box)James_inthe_box
Tweet on AskarLoader malware
2021-05-11splunkJames Brodsky
The DarkSide of the Ransomware Pipeline
2021-05-01Twitter (@JAMESWT_MHT)JamesWT
Tweet on linux version of DarkSide ransomware
DarkSide DarkSide
2021-04-22splunkDave Herrald, Drew Church, James Brodsky, John Stoner, Katie Brown, Marcus LaFerrera, Michael Natkin, Mick Baccio, Ryan Kovar
SUPERNOVA Redux, with a Generous Portion of Masquerading
2021-04-21splunkBill Wright, Dave Herrald, James Brodsky, John Stoner, Kelly Huang, Marcus LaFerrerra, Michael Natkin, Mick Baccio, Ryan Kovar, Shannon Davis, Tamara Chacon
Monitoring Pulse Connect Secure With Splunk (CISA Emergency Directive 21-03)
2021-03-12splunkAmy Heng, Dave Herrald, Derek King, James Brodsky, John Stoner, Jose Hernandez, Marcus LaFerrera, Michael Haag, Mick Baccio, Ryan Kovar, Shannon Davis
Detecting Microsoft Exchange Vulnerabilities - 0 + 8 Days Later…
2021-03-12Binary DefenseJames Quinn
2021-03-02Atlantic CouncilJames Shires, JD Work, Luca Allodi, Patrick Howell O'Neill, Robert Morgus, Trey Herr, Winnona Desombre
Countering Cyber Proliferation: Zeroing in on Access-as-a-Service
2021-02-03Twitter (@James_inthe_box)James_inthe_box
Tiwtter thread on Nim rewrite of Bazarloader
2021-01-27Team CymruJames Shank
Taking Down Emotet How Team Cymru Leveraged Visibility and Relationships to Coordinate Community Efforts
2021-01-08splunkJames Brodsky, John Stoner, Lily Lee, Marcus LaFerrera, Ryan Kovar
A Golden SAML Journey: SolarWinds Continued
2020-12-23Sentinel LABSJames Haughom, Jim Walter, Marco Figueroa
SolarWinds | Understanding & Detecting the SUPERNOVA Webshell Trojan
2020-12-23Sentinel LABSJames Haughom, Jim Walter, Marco Figueroa
SolarWinds | Understanding & Detecting the SUPERNOVA Webshell Trojan
2020-12-18Sentinel LABSJames Haughom
SolarWinds SUNBURST Backdoor: Inside the APT Campaign
2020-12-01FireEyeJames T. Bennett
Using Speakeasy Emulation Framework Programmatically to Unpack Malware
2020-10-20InfobloxJames Barnett
404 Keylogger Campaigns
404 Keylogger
2020-09-30Team CymruJacomo Piccolini, James Shank
Pandamic: Emissary Pandas in the Middle East
HyperBro HyperSSL