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2022-08-02Trend MicroIvan Nicole Chavez, Lala Manly, Monte de Jesus, Nathaniel Gregory Ragasa, Nathaniel Morales
SolidBit Ransomware Enters the RaaS Scene and Takes Aim at Gamers and Social Media Users With New Variant
2022-08-02Recorded FutureInsikt Group
Initial Access Brokers Are Key to Rise in Ransomware Attacks
Azorult BlackMatter Conti Mars Stealer Raccoon RedLine Stealer Taurus Stealer Vidar
2022-08-02ASECASEC Analysis Team
Word File Provided as External Link When Replying to Attacker’s Email (Kimsuky)
2022-08-02Cisco TalosAsheer Malhotra, Vitor Ventura
Manjusaka: A Chinese sibling of Sliver and Cobalt Strike
Manjusaka Cobalt Strike Manjusaka
El Machete APT Group
2022-08-01Twitter (@sekoia_io)sekoia
Tweet on Turla's CyberAzov activity
2022-08-01QualysHarshal Tupsamudre
Here’s a Simple Script to Detect the Stealthy Nation-State BPFDoor
2022-08-01ZscalerAtinderpal Singh
Technical Analysis of Industrial Spy Ransomware
Industrial Spy
2022-08-01SecurityScorecardVlad Pasca
A Detailed Analysis of the RedLine Stealer
RedLine Stealer
2022-08-01SecurityScorecardVlad Pasca
A Detailed Analysis of the RedLine Stealer
RedLine Stealer
2022-07-31Cyber ShafaratTreadstone 71
Adrastea hackers claim leading European designer and manufacturer of missile systems MBDA hacked
2022-07-31Security AffairsPierluigi Paganini
Threat actor claims to have hacked European manufacturer of missiles MBDA
Thai entities continue to fall prey to cyberattacks and leaks
Desorden Group
2022-07-31BushidoToken BlogBushidoToken
Space Invaders: Cyber Threats That Are Out Of This World
Poison Ivy Raindrop SUNBURST TEARDROP WastedLocker
Malware AV evasion - part 8. Encode payload via Z85
Agent Tesla Carbanak Carberp Cardinal RAT Cobalt Strike donut_injector
2022-07-30The Hacker NewsRavie Lakshmanan
Microsoft Links Raspberry Robin USB Worm to Russian Evil Corp Hackers
FAKEUPDATES Raspberry Robin
2022-07-29PICUS SecurityHüseyin Can YÜCEEL
H0lyGh0st - North Korean Threat Group Strikes Back With New Ransomware
SiennaBlue SiennaPurple Storm-0530
2022-07-29RiskIQJordan Herman
Falling Into a Nest of Vipers or: "Why'd it have to be snakes?" (Microsoft Threat Intelligence Brief)
2022-07-29ENISAApostolos Malatras, Eleni Tsekmezoglou, Ifigeneia Lella, Rossen Naydenov, Sebastian García, Veronica Valeros
ENISA Threat Landscape for Ransomware Attacks
2022-07-29BlackberryBlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
SmokeLoader Malware Used to Augment Amadey Infostealer
Amadey SmokeLoader