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2024-09-12Outpost24KrakenLabs, Lidia López Sanz
Crystal Rans0m: Emerging hybrid ransomware with stealer capabilities
Crystal Rans0m
Malware and cryptography 32: encrypt payload via FEAL-8 algorithm. Simple C example.
2024-09-12Cado SecurityNate Bill, Tara Gould
From Automation to Exploitation: The Growing Misuse of Selenium Grid for Cryptomining and Proxyjacking
2024-09-12kienmanowar Blogm4n0w4r, Tran Trung Kien
[QuickNote] The Xworm malware is being spread through a phishing email
2024-09-11CheckpointCheckpoint Research
Targeted Iranian Attacks Against Iraqi Government Infrastructure
Spereal Veaty
2024-09-11loginsoftT B L N Shashank Mannar
Akira Ransomware: The Evolution of a Major Threat
Akira Akira
2024-09-10IntezerJoakim Kennedy, Ryan Robinson
There's Something About CryptBot: Yet Another Silly Stealer (YASS)
2024-09-10Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Jerome Tujague, Navin Thomas
Threat Assessment: Repellent Scorpius, Distributors of Cicada3301 Ransomware
Dependency hijacking: Dissecting North Korea’s new wave of DeFi-themed open source attacks targeting developers
BeaverTail InvisibleFerret
2024-09-10ESET ResearchJakub Souček
CosmicBeetle steps up: Probation period at RansomHub
Scarab Ransomware SpaceColon CosmicBeetle
2024-09-10CleafyAlessandro Strino, Michele Roviello
A new TrickMo saga: from Banking Trojan to Victim's Data Leak
2024-09-10ReversingLabsKarlo Zanki
Fake recruiter coding tests target devs with malicious Python packages
2024-09-10Talos IntelligenceJoey Chen
DragonRank, a Chinese-speaking SEO manipulator service provider
IISpy PlugX DragonRank
2024-09-10ThreatMonAziz Kaplan, ThreatMon, ThreatMon Malware Research Team
Ailurophile Stealer Technical Malware Analysis Report
2024-09-09Github (itaymigdal)Itay Migdal
Poshito - New Telegram C2
2024-09-09Denwp ResearchTonmoy Jitu
Dissecting Lumma Malware: Analyzing the Fake CAPTCHA and Obfuscation Techniques - Part 2
Lumma Stealer
2024-09-09SC MagazineSC Staff
Significant ransom payment by major Iranian IT firm underway
Tweet about malware version Octo 2
2024-09-09LinkedIn (Idan Tarab)Idan Tarab
APT CoralRaider Expands Arsenal: AmadeyBot, FTP Innovations, and Complex Domain Strategy
2024-09-08WiredAndy Greenberg
A (Strange) Interview With the Russian-Military-Linked Hackers Targeting US Water Utilities