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2024-12-04Rapid7Tyler McGraw
Black Basta Ransomware Campaign Drops Zbot, DarkGate, and Custom Malware
2024-12-04LumenBlack Lotus Labs, Danny Adamitis, Ryan English
Snowblind: The Invisible Hand of Secret Blizzard
Crimson RAT TwoDash
Rare Watermark Links Cobalt Strike 4.10 Team Servers to Ongoing Suspicious Activity
Cobalt Strike
2024-12-03BitSightBitsight TRACE
PROXY.AM Powered by Socks5Systemz Botnet
Socks5 Systemz
2024-12-02FortiGuard LabsPei Han Liao
SmokeLoader Attack Targets Companies in Taiwan
2024-11-30Technical Evolutiontechevo
REKOOBE APT-31 Linux Backdoor Analysis
Uncovering Threat Actor Tactics: How Open Directories Provide Insight into XWorm Delivery Strategies
2024-11-26Security IntelligenceNir Somech
What’s up India? PixPirate is back and spreading via WhatsApp
2024-11-22VolexitySean Koessel, Steven Adair, Tom Lancaster
The Nearest Neighbor Attack: How A Russian APT Weaponized Nearby Wi-Fi Networks for Covert Access
2024-11-20Orange CyberdefenseMarine PICHON, Piotr Malachiński
The hidden network: How China unites state, corporate, and academic assets for cyber offensive campaigns
2024-11-20IntrinsecEquipe CTI
PROSPERO & Proton66: Tracing Uncovering the links between bulletproof networks
Coper SpyNote FAKEUPDATES GootLoader EugenLoader IcedID Matanbuchus Nokoyawa Ransomware Pikabot
2024-11-19LumenBlack Lotus Labs
One Sock Fits All: The Use And Abuse Of The NSOCKS Botnet
Ngioweb Ngioweb
XenoRAT Adopts Excel XLL Files and ConfuserEx as Access Method
2024-11-18Trend MicroFeike Hacquebord, Fernando Mercês
Inside Water Barghest’s Rapid Exploit-to-Market Strategy for IoT Devices
2024-11-18Trend MicroFeike Hacquebord, Fernando Mercês
Inside Water Barghest’s Rapid Exploit-to-Market Strategy for IoT Devices
Ngioweb Water Barghest
2024-11-18Trend MicroFeike Hacquebord, Fernando Mercês
Inside Water Barghests Rapid Exploit-to-Market Strategy for IoT Devices
2024-11-15Information Security BuzzKirsten Doyle
Iranian “Dream Job” Cyber Campaign Targets Aerospace Sector
2024-11-14EclecticIQEclecticIQ Threat Research Team
Inside Intelligence Center: Financially Motivated Chinese Threat Actor SilkSpecter Targeting Black Friday Shoppers
Bored BeaverTail & InvisibleFerret Yacht Club – A Lazarus Lure Pt.2
BeaverTail InvisibleFerret
2024-11-14Palo AltoUnit 42
Fake North Korean IT Worker Linked to BeaverTail Video Conference App Phishing Attack
BeaverTail InvisibleFerret WageMole