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2024-04-102024-04-10Antonio Pirozzi, Sarthak Misraa
XZ Utils Backdoor | Threat Actor Planned to Inject Further Vulnerabilities
2024-04-100ffset BlogDaniel Bunce
Resolving Stack Strings with Capstone Disassembler & Unicorn in Python
2024-04-10ESET ResearchLukáš Štefanko
eXotic Visit campaign: Tracing the footprints of Virtual Invaders
2024-04-09DCSODCSO CyTec
XZ Backdoor: How to check if your systems are affected
Gafgyt Backdoor Analysis
2024-04-04MicrosoftClint Watts, Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC)
China tests US voter fault lines and ramps AI content to boost its geopolitical interests
2024-04-04Deep instinctSimon Kenin
DarkBeatC2: The Latest MuddyWater Attack Framework
The New Version Of JsOutProx Is Attacking Financial Institutions In APAC And MENA Via GitLab Abuse
2024-04-03ThreatMonKerime Gencay
XZ Utils Backdoor Research Report CVE-2024-3094
2024-04-03Bleeping ComputerIonut Ilascu
Microsoft still unsure how hackers stole MSA key in 2023 Exchange attack
2024-04-03WiredAndy Greenberg, Matt Burgess
The Mystery of ‘Jia Tan,’ the XZ Backdoor Mastermind
2024-04-03WiredAndy Greenberg, Matt Burgess
The Mystery of ‘Jia Tan,’ the XZ Backdoor Mastermind
2024-04-03Trend MicroChristopher Boyton
Unveiling the Fallout: Operation Cronos' Impact on LockBit Following Landmark Disruption
2024-04-02DarktraceAlexandra Sentenac, Trent Kessler, Victoria Baldie
The Early Bird Catches the Worm: Darktrace’s Hunt for Raspberry Robin
Raspberry Robin
2024-04-02DarktraceAlexandra Sentenac, Trent Kessler, Victoria Baldie
The Early Bird Catches the Worm: Darktrace’s Hunt for Raspberry Robin
Raspberry Robin
2024-04-02DarktraceAlexandra Sentenac, Trent Kessler, Victoria Baldie
The Early Bird Catches the Worm: Darktrace’s Hunt for Raspberry Robin
Raspberry Robin
2024-04-02Check Point ResearchAntonis Terefos, Raman Ladutska
Agent Tesla Targeting United States & Australia: Revealing the Attackers' Identities
Agent Tesla
2024-04-02Check Point ResearchAntonis Terefos, Raman Ladutska
Agent Tesla Targeting United States & Australia: Revealing the Attackers' Identities
Agent Tesla
2024-04-01MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC)
Same targets, new playbooks: East Asia threat actors employ unique methods
2024-04-01Github (amlweems)Anthony Weems
Analysis Repo with honeypot and backdoor patch for xzbot