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2024-03-04ProofpointKelsey Merriman, Selena Larson, Tommy Madjar
TA577’s Unusual Attack Chain Leads to NTLM Data Theft
2024-03-04ProofpointKelsey Merriman, Selena Larson, Tommy Madjar
TA577’s Unusual Attack Chain Leads to NTLM Data Theft
2024-03-04ProofpointKelsey Merriman, Selena Larson, Tommy Madjar
TA577’s Unusual Attack Chain Leads to NTLM Data Theft
2024-03-04WeixinHunting Shadow Lab
Shadow Hunting: Analysis of APT37’s attack activities against South Korea using North Korean political topics
GitHub Bug Used to Infect Game Hackers With Lua Malware
2024-02-29CrowdStrikeJean-Philippe Teissier
The Anatomy of an ALPHA SPIDER Ransomware Attack
2024-02-29StrikeReadyStrikeReady Labs
Don't get BITTER about being targeted -- fight back with the help of the community.
Bitter RAT
2024-02-28EchoCTIBilal BAKARTEPE, bixploit
Raccoon Stealer V2.0 Technical Analysis
2024-02-28EchoCTIBilal BAKARTEPE, bixploit
Raccoon Stealer V2.0 Technical Analysis
GTPDOOR - A novel backdoor tailored for covert access over the roaming exchange
2024-02-27US Department of DefenseUS Department of Defense
Russian Cyber Actors Use Compromised Routers to Facilitate Cyber Operations
2024-02-26Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Advanced CyberChef Techniques for Configuration Extraction - Detailed Walkthrough and Examples
NetSupportManager RAT
2024-02-25YouTube (Embee Research)Embee_research
My Longest CyberChef Recipe Ever - 22 Operation Configuration Extractor
NetSupportManager RAT
2024-02-21YouTube (SentinelOne)Kris McConkey
LABSCon23 Replay | Chasing Shadows | The rise of a prolific espionage actor
9002 RAT PlugX ShadowPad Spyder Earth Lusca
2024-02-21DCSOJiro Minier, Johann Aydinbas, Kritika Roy, Olivia Hayward
To Russia With Love: Assessing a KONNI-Backdoored Suspected Russian Consular Software Installer
2024-02-21DCSOJiro Minier, Johann Aydinbas, Kritika Roy, Olivia Hayward
To Russia With Love: Assessing a KONNI-Backdoored Suspected Russian Consular Software Installer
2024-02-21DCSOJiro Minier, Johann Aydinbas, Kritika Roy, Olivia Hayward
To Russia With Love: Assessing a KONNI-Backdoored Suspected Russian Consular Software Installer
2024-02-21DCSOJiro Minier, Johann Aydinbas, Kritika Roy, Olivia Hayward
To Russia With Love: Assessing a KONNI-Backdoored Suspected Russian Consular Software Installer
Anatsa Trojan Returns: Targeting Europe and Expanding Its Reach
2024-02-19Cyber GeeksCyberMasterV
A Technical Analysis of the BackMyData Ransomware Used to Attack Hospitals in Romania