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2022-06-19CyberIntShmuel Gihon
BlackGuard Stealer Targets the Gaming Community
2022-06-18R136a1Dominik Reichel
Using dotnetfile to get a Sunburst timeline for intelligence gathering
2022-06-17Github (0xchrollo)Motawkkel Abdulrhman
Unpacking Kovter malware
2022-06-17Github (monoxgas)Nick Landers
sRDI - Shellcode Reflective DLL Injection
2022-06-17Github (NtQuerySystemInformation)Twitter (@kasua02)
A reverse engineer primer on Qakbot Dll Stager: From initial execution to multithreading.
2022-06-17ZscalerKaivalya Khursale, Sudeep Singh
Resurgence of Voicemail-themed phishing attacks targeting key industry verticals in the US
2022-06-17CleafyAlessandro Strino, Francesco Iubatti
BRATA is evolving into an Advanced Persistent Threat
2022-06-17SANS ISCBrad Duncan
Malspam pushes Matanbuchus malware, leads to Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike Matanbuchus
2022-06-16Group-IBAnastasia Tikhonova
Thousands of IDs exposed in yet another data breach in Brazil
2022-06-16BlackberryThe BlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
Threat Thursday: Unique Delivery Method for Snake Keylogger
404 Keylogger
2022-06-16RiskIQJennifer Grob
RiskIQ: New ManaTools Panel Identified
2022-06-16Justin Albrecht, Paul Shunk
Lookout Uncovers Android Spyware Deployed in Kazakhstan
2022-06-16LookoutJustin Albrecht, Paul Shunk
Lookout Uncovers Android Spyware Deployed in Kazakhstan
2022-06-16SANS ISCXavier Mertens
Houdini is Back Delivered Through a JavaScript Dropper
2022-06-16ESET ResearchRene Holt
How Emotet is changing tactics in response to Microsoft’s tightening of Office macro security
2022-06-16Medium s2wlabS2W TALON
Raccoon Stealer is Back with a New Version
2022-06-16SophosLabs UncutAndrew Brandt
Confluence exploits used to drop ransomware on vulnerable servers
2022-06-15Joie Salvio, Roy Tay
New IceXLoader 3.0 – Developers Warm Up to Nim
2022-06-15AkamaiStiv Kupchik
Panchan’s Mining Rig: New Golang Peer-to-Peer Botnet Says “Hi!”
2022-06-15F5 LabsDavid Warburton, Dor Nizar, Malcolm Heath, Sander Vinberg
F5 Labs Investigates MaliBot