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TraderTraitor: North Korean State-Sponsored APT Targets Blockchain Companies
Bankshot TraderTraitor
Malware development: persistence - part 1. Registry run keys. C++ example.
Agent Tesla Amadey BlackEnergy Cobian RAT COZYDUKE Emotet Empire Downloader Kimsuky
2022-04-20InfoSec InstitutePedro Tavares
Mars Stealer malware analysis
Mars Stealer
2022-04-20Trend MicroAshish Verma, Nitesh Surana
Analyzing Attempts to Exploit the Spring4Shell Vulnerability CVE-2022-22965 to Deploy Cryptocurrency Miners
2022-04-20SANS ISCBrad Duncan
'aa' distribution Qakbot (Qbot) infection with DarkVNC traffic
Alert (AA22-110A): Russian State-Sponsored and Criminal Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure
VPNFilter BlackEnergy DanaBot DoppelDridex Emotet EternalPetya GoldMax Industroyer Sality SmokeLoader TrickBot Triton Zloader Killnet
2022-04-20CISAAustralian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (CCCS), CISA, FBI, Government Communications Security Bureau, National Crime Agency (NCA), NCSC UK, NSA
AA22-110A Joint CSA: Russian State-Sponsored and Criminal Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure
VPNFilter BlackEnergy DanaBot DoppelDridex Emotet EternalPetya GoldMax Industroyer Sality SmokeLoader TrickBot Triton Zloader
Russian hackers target Czech websites in a series of cyberattacks
2022-04-20SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Shuckworm: Espionage Group Continues Intense Campaign Against Ukraine
2022-04-20Bleeping ComputerIonut Ilascu
REvil's TOR sites come alive to redirect to new ransomware operation
2022-04-20Bleeping ComputerBill Toulas
Microsoft Exchange servers hacked to deploy Hive ransomware
Babuk BlackByte Conti Hive LockFile
2022-04-19DomainToolsIan Campbell
Stop Crypto Kleptos in Their Tracks
FBI Flash CU-000167-MW: BlackCat/ALPHV Ransomware Indicators of Compromise
2022-04-19360360 Netlab
Public Cloud Cybersecurity Threat Intelligence (202203)
Bashlite Tsunami Mirai
2022-04-19RiskIQJennifer Grob
RiskIQ: Legitimate WordPress Site Hosts Malicious Content
2022-04-19VaronisNadav Ovadia
Hive Ransomware Analysis
Cobalt Strike Hive MimiKatz
2022-04-19FortinetGergely Revay
Using Emulation Against Anti-Reverse Engineering Techniques
2022-04-19Blake's R&Dbmcder02
Extracting Cobalt Strike from Windows Error Reporting
Cobalt Strike
2022-04-190ffset BlogChuong Dong
BAZARLOADER: Unpacking An ISO File Infection
2022-04-19Bleeping ComputerBill Toulas
Emotet botnet switches to 64-bit modules, increases activity