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2022-04-19Twitter (@Cryptolaemus1)Cryptolaemus
#Emotet Update: 64 bit upgrade of Epoch 5
Fake MetaMask App Steals Cryptocurrency
2022-04-18AdvIntelVitali Kremez, Yelisey Boguslavskiy
Enter KaraKurt: Data Extortion Arm of Prolific Ransomware Group
AvosLocker BazarBackdoor BlackByte BlackCat Cobalt Strike HelloKitty Hive Karakurt
2022-04-18National Intelligence UniversityKevin P. Riehle
Russian Intelligence: A Case-based Study of Russian Services and Missions Past and Present
2022-04-18InQuestDmitry Melikov
Nobelium - Israeli Embassy Maldoc
2022-04-18BitdefenderMihai Neagu
RedLine Stealer Analysis
RedLine Stealer
2022-04-18CISACISA, FBI, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Alert (AA22-108A): TraderTraitor: North Korean State-Sponsored APT Targets Blockchain Companies
How to recover files encrypted by Yanlouwang
2022-04-18vanmieghemVincent Van Mieghem
A blueprint for evading industry leading endpoint protection in 2022
Cobalt Strike
2022-04-18CitizenLabBahr Abdul Razzak, Bill Marczak, Elies Campo, Gözde Böcü, John Scott-Railton, Ron Deibert, Salvatore Solimano, Siena Anstis
CatalanGate Extensive Mercenary Spyware Operation against Catalans Using Pegasus and Candiru
Chrysaor Caramel Tsunami
2022-04-18FortinetErin Lin
Trends in the Recent Emotet Maldoc Outbreak
Under The Lens: Eagle Monitor RAT - Upgraded Version Of RAT With New TTPs
2022-04-18TrellixAlexandre Mundo, Jambul Tologonov, Marc Elias
Conti Group Targets ESXi Hypervisors With its Linux Variant
Conti Conti
2022-04-18Trend MicroLeandro Froes, Lucas Silva
An Investigation of the BlackCat Ransomware via Trend Micro Vision One
2022-04-18RiskIQJennifer Grob
RiskIQ: Trickbot Rickroll
2022-04-18CISACISA, FBI, U.S. Department of the Treasury
AA22-108A: TraderTraitor: North Korean State-Sponsored APT Targets Blockchain Companies (PDF)
FastCash Bankshot
2022-04-18Bleeping ComputerSergiu Gatlan
Free decryptor released for Yanluowang ransomware victims
2022-04-18SentinelOneJames Haughom
From the Front Lines | Peering into A PYSA Ransomware Attack
Chisel Chisel Cobalt Strike Mespinoza
2022-04-18Nozomi NetworksNozomi Networks Labs
New BotenaGo Variant Discovered by Nozomi Networks Labs
2022-04-18Bleeping ComputerBill Toulas
Unofficial Windows 11 upgrade installs info-stealing malware