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2023-11-30Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Advanced Threat Intel Queries - Catching 83 Qakbot Servers with Regex, Censys and TLS Certificates
2023-11-27Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Building Threat Intel Queries Utilising Regex and TLS Certificates - (BianLian)
2023-11-26Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Identifying Suspected PrivateLoader Servers with Censys
2023-11-22Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Practical Queries for Malware Infrastructure - Part 3 (Advanced Examples)
BianLian Xtreme RAT NjRAT QakBot RedLine Stealer Remcos
2023-11-19Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Combining Pivot Points to Identify Malware Infrastructure - Redline, Smokeloader and Cobalt Strike
Amadey Cobalt Strike RedLine Stealer SmokeLoader
2023-11-15Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Identifying Simple Pivot Points in Malware Infrastructure - RisePro Stealer
RedLine Stealer RisePro
2023-11-13Twitter (@malwrhunterteam)MalwareHunterTeam
Tweet on Qilin Linux Locker
2023-11-13Twitter (@malwrhunterteam)MalwareHunterTeam
Tweet on Linux version of Rhysida
2023-11-06Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Unpacking Malware With Hardware Breakpoints - Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike
2023-11-01Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Malware Unpacking With Memory Dumps - Intermediate Methods (Pe-Sieve, Process Hacker, Hxd and Pe-bear)
2023-10-30Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Unpacking .NET Malware With Process Hacker and Dnspy
2023-10-27Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Remcos Downloader Analysis - Manual Deobfuscation of Visual Basic and Powershell
2023-10-23Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Cobalt Strike .VBS Loader - Decoding with Advanced CyberChef and Emulation
Cobalt Strike
2023-10-20Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Decoding a Cobalt Strike .hta Loader Using CyberChef and Emulation
Cobalt Strike
2023-10-18Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Ghidra Tutorial - Using Entropy To Locate a Cobalt Strike Decryption Function
Cobalt Strike
2023-10-16Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Decoding a Simple Visual Basic (.vbs) Script - DarkGate Loader
2023-10-13Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Threat Intelligence
Tweet on Storm-1575 and Dadsec phishing platform
2023-10-13Twitter (@JAMESWT_MHT)JamesWT
Tweets on Wikiloader delivering ISFB
ISFB WikiLoader
2023-10-11Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Threat Intelligence
Tweet on Storm-0062 exploiting CVE-2023-22515
2023-10-10Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
How To Develop Yara Rules for .NET Malware Using IL ByteCodes
RedLine Stealer