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2021-03-17HPHP Bromium
Threat Insights Report Q4-2020
Agent Tesla BitRAT ComodoSec Dridex Emotet Ficker Stealer Formbook Zloader
CL0P and REvil Escalate Their Ransomware Tactics
Clop REvil
Breaking: Elite Cybercrime Forum “Maza” Breached by Unknown Attacker
New Mysterious Operators Usurp Elite Russian Hacker Forum “Verified”
2021-02-02SUCURIDenis Sinegubko
Whitespace Steganography Conceals Web Shell in PHP Malware
2021-01-19HPPatrick Schläpfer
Dridex Malicious Document Analysis: Automating the Extraction of Payload URLs
2020-12-01GdataKarsten Hahn
IceRat evades antivirus by running PHP on Java VM
2020-11-27HPAlex Holland
Aggah Campaign’s Latest Tactics: Victimology, PowerPoint Dropper and Cryptocurrency Stealer
Agent Tesla
2020-09-25360 Total Securitykate
APT-C-43 steals Venezuelan military secrets to provide intelligence support for the reactionaries - HpReact campaign
PyArk El Machete
Zeppelin Ransomware Analysis
2020-06-21BromiumAlex Holland
Investigating Threats in HP Sure Controller 4.2: TVRAT
2020-06-09RiskIQJordan Herman
Misconfigured Amazon S3 Buckets Continue to be a Launchpad for Malicious Code
2020-05-07Der Spiegelhpp
Ruhr-Universität Bochum meldet Computerangriff
2020-02-02ESET ResearchIgnacio Sanmillan, Marc-Etienne M.Léveillé
TLP: WHITE A WILD KOBALOS APPEARSTricksy Linux malware goes after HPCs
2019-07-19HPAlex Holland
An Analysis of L0rdix RAT, Panel and Builder
2019-06-12Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Ruchna Nigam
Hide ‘N Seek Botnet Updates Arsenal with Exploits Against Nexus Repository Manager & ThinkPHP
Hide and Seek
2019-03-20FlashpointJason Reaves, Joshua Platt
FIN7 Revisited: Inside Astra Panel and SQLRat Malware
2019-03-20FlashpointJason Reaves, Joshua Platt
FIN7 Revisited: Inside Astra Panel and SQLRat Malware
DNSRat TinyMet
2019-03-13FlashpointJason Reaves, Joshua Platt
‘DMSniff’ POS Malware Actively Leveraged to Target Small-, Medium-Sized Businesses
2019-03-13Cisco TalosBen Baker, Paul Rascagnères, Warren Mercer
GlitchPOS: New PoS malware for sale