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2020-09-30NTT SecurityHajime Takai, Rintaro Koike, Shogo Hayashi
Unveiling the CryptoMimic (Slides)
2020-09-30NTT SecurityFumio Ozawa, Rintaro Koike, Shogo Hayashi
Operation LagTime IT: colourful Panda footprint (Slides)
Cotx RAT nccTrojan Poison Ivy Tmanger
2020-09-30NTT SecurityFumio Ozawa, Rintaro Koike, Shogo Hayashi
Operation LagTime IT: colourful Panda footprint
Cotx RAT nccTrojan Poison Ivy Tmanger
2020-09-25VISAVisa Security Alert
Visa Security Alert: New Malware Samples identified in Point-of-Sale Compromises
BlackPOS pwnpos rtpos
2020-09-25360 Total Securitykate
APT-C-43 steals Venezuelan military secrets to provide intelligence support for the reactionaries - HpReact campaign
PyArk El Machete
2020-09-24MicrosoftBen Koehl, Joe Hannon
Microsoft Security—detecting empires in the cloud
2020-09-24Github (FortyNorthSecurity)Joe Leon, Matt Grandy
Offensive Maldocs in 2020
2020-09-24MicrosoftBen Koehl, Joe Hannon, Microsoft Identity Security Team
Microsoft Security—detecting empires in the cloud
2020-09-22Heise SecurityOlivia von Westernhagen
Uniklinik Düsseldorf: Ransomware "DoppelPaymer" soll hinter dem Angriff stecken
2020-09-17Joe Security's BlogJoe Security
GuLoader's VM-Exit Instruction Hammering explained
Alert (AA20-258A): Chinese Ministry of State Security-Affiliated Cyber Threat Actor Activity
ShadowPad: new activity from the Winnti group
CCleaner Backdoor Korlia ShadowPad TypeHash
2020-09-04KrabsOnSecurityMr. Krabs
BitRAT pt. 2: Hidden Browser, SOCKS5 proxy, and UnknownProducts Unmasked
BitRAT WebMonitor RAT
2020-09-03Viettel Cybersecurityvuonglvm
APT32 deobfuscation arsenal: Deobfuscating một vài loại Obfucation Toolkit của APT32 (Phần 2)
Cobalt Strike
2020-09-02Viettel Cybersecurityvuonglvm
APT32 deobfuscation arsenal: Deobfuscating một vài loại Obfucation Toolkit của APT32 (Phần 1)
2020-09-01US Department of DefenseUS Department of Defense
Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2020
2020-08-28360 Core Security360威胁情报中心
The "sneak camera" in mobile pornography software
2020-08-27Twitter (@MsftSecIntel)Microsoft Security Intelligence
Tweet on Anubis Stealer
2020-08-24HornetsecuritySecurity Lab
Emotet Update increases Downloads
2020-08-22KrabsOnSecurityMr. Krabs
BitRAT – The Latest in Copy-pasted Malware by Incompetent Developers