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2021-05-14EllipticDr. Tom Robinson
Elliptic Follows the Bitcoin Ransoms Paid by Colonial Pipeline and Other DarkSide Ransomware Victims
DarkSide DarkSide
2021-05-14Twitter (@ConfiantIntel)ConfiantIntel
Tweet on OSX/Bundlore Loader compiled for ARM
2021-05-14GuidePoint SecurityDrew Schmitt
From ZLoader to DarkSide: A Ransomware Story
DarkSide Cobalt Strike Zloader
2021-05-14Advanced IntelligenceVitali Kremez
From Dawn to "Silent Night": "DarkSide Ransomware" Initial Attack Vector Evolution
2021-05-14KrebsOnSecurityBrian Krebs
DarkSide Ransomware Gang Quits After Servers, Bitcoin Stash Seized
2021-05-14Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
DarkSide ransomware servers reportedly seized, REvil restricts targets
DarkSide DarkSide
2021-05-14Intel 471Intel 471
The moral underground? Ransomware operators retreat after Colonial Pipeline hack
DarkSide DarkSide
2021-05-14McAfeeChristiaan Beek, Raj Samani
Darkside Ransomware Victims Sold Short
2021-05-14The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
Darkside ransomware gang says it lost control of its servers & money a day after Biden threat
DarkSide Avaddon REvil
2021-05-14Bleeping ComputerSergiu Gatlan
QNAP warns of eCh0raix ransomware attacks, Roon Server zero-day
2021-05-14Blue Team BlogAuth 0r
DarkSide Ransomware Operations – Preventions and Detections.
Cobalt Strike DarkSide
2021-05-13AhnLabAhnLab ASEC Analysis Team
APT attack for domestic companies using library files
2021-05-13BI. ZONE Cyber Threats Research TeamBI.ZONE
From pentest to APT attack: cybercriminal group FIN7 disguises its malware as an ethical hacker’s toolkit
2021-05-13AWAKEKieran Evans
Catching the White Stork in Flight
Cobalt Strike MimiKatz RMS
2021-05-13SecureworksCounter Threat Unit ResearchTeam
Ransomware Groups Use Tor-Based Backdoor for Persistent Access
2021-05-13BlackberryBlackBerry Threat Research and Intelligence Team
Threat Thursday: SombRAT — Always Leave Yourself a Backdoor
2021-05-13AnomaliGage Mele, Tara Gould
Threat Actors Use MSBuild to Deliver RATs Filelessly
2021-05-13DomainToolsJohn “Turbo” Conwell, Tim Helming
Domain Blooms: Identifying Domain Name Themes Targeted By Threat Actors
2021-05-13Stranded on Pylos BlogJoe Slowik
Mind the (Air) Gap
2021-05-13ABC NewsJustin Gomez
'Don't panic,' Biden tells Americans facing gasoline shortages from pipeline attack