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2021-09-14McAfeeChristiaan Beek
Operation ‘Harvest’: A Deep Dive into a Long-term Campaign
MimiKatz PlugX Winnti
2021-09-14CSO OnlineChristopher Burgess
Russia is fully capable of shutting down cybercrime
2021-09-01YouTube (Black Hat)Christian Doerr, Tsuyoshi Taniguchi
How Did the Adversaries Abusing the Bitcoin Blockchain Evade Our Takeover?
Cerber Pony
2021-08-26The New York TimesChris Buckley, Paul Mozur
Spies for Hire: China’s New Breed of Hackers Blends Espionage and Entrepreneurship
2021-08-17IBM X-Force ExchangeCharlotte Hammond, Chris Caridi
Analysis of Diavol Ransomware Reveals Possible Link to TrickBot Gang
2021-07-29Talos IntelligenceAndrew Windsor, Chris Neal
Talos Spotlight: Solarmarker
2021-07-21IBMAllison Wikoff, Chris Caridi
This Chat is Being Recorded: Egregor Ransomware Negotiations Uncovered
2021-07-19CrowdStrikeAspen Lindblom, Chris Sheldon, Joseph Godwin
Shlayer Malvertising Campaigns Still Using Flash Update Disguise
2021-07-14MDSecChris Basnett
Investigating a Suspicious Service
Cobalt Strike
2021-07-14Cado SecurityChristopher Doman
Triage analysis of Serv-U FTP user backdoor deployed by CVE-2021-35211 (DEV-0322)
2021-07-13Cado SecurityChristopher Doman
Resources for Investigating Cloud and Container Penetration Testing Tools
2021-06-29YouTube (C. Beek)Christiaan Beek
Demo of REvil/Sodinokibi Linux variant encrypting a Linux system
2021-06-10laceworkChris Hall
Keksec & Tsunami-Ryuk
2021-05-20laceworkChris Hall, Jared Stroud, Tom Hegel
8220 Gangs Recent use of Custom Miner and Botnet
2021-05-14McAfeeChristiaan Beek, Raj Samani
Darkside Ransomware Victims Sold Short
2021-05-08ReutersChristopher Bing, Stephanie Kelly
Cyber attack shuts down top U.S. fuel pipeline network
2021-05-06Black HatChristian Doerr, Tsuyoshi Taniguchi
How Did the Adversaries Abusing Bitcoin Blockchain Evade Our Takeover
Cerber Pony
2021-05-04Lacework LabsChris Hall
Cpuminer & Friends
2021-04-22laceworkChris Hall, Jared Stroud
Sysrv-Hello Expands Infrastructure
2021-04-20FireEyeAlex Pennino, Chris DiGiamo, Josh Fleischer
Zero-Day Exploits in SonicWall Email Security Lead to Enterprise Compromise