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2021-03-29The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
RedEcho group parks domains after public exposure
PlugX ShadowPad RedEcho
2021-03-29Associated PressAlan Suderman
AP sources: SolarWinds hack got emails of top DHS officials
2021-03-29HornetsecurityHornetsecurity Security Lab
Zloader email campaign using MHTML to download and decrypt XLS
New ICS Threat Activity Group: STIBNITE
Poet RAT
2021-03-29InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogXavier Mertens
Jumping into Shellcode
2021-03-29The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
Sodinokibi (aka REvil) Ransomware
Cobalt Strike IcedID REvil
2021-03-28KrebsOnSecurityBrian Krebs
No, I Did Not Hack Your MS Exchange Server
2021-03-28PC's Xcetra SupportDavid Ledbetter
SunCrypt, PowerShell obfuscation, shellcode and more yara
2021-03-27Github (StrangerealIntel)Twitter (@Arkbird_SOLG)
Terraloader: Congrats, you have a new fake job!
2021-03-27InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogGuy Bruneau
Malware Analysis with elastic-agent and Microsoft Sandbox
2021-03-26SonicWallSonicWall CaptureLabs Threats Research Team
China’s “Winnti” Spyder Module
2021-03-26Trend MicroTrend Micro
Alleged Members of Egregor Ransomware Cartel Arrested
Egregor QakBot
2021-03-26Twitter (@3xp0rtblog)3xp0rt
Tweet on Cypress Stealer
2021-03-26Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
Ransomware gang urges victims’ customers to demand a ransom payment
2021-03-26Palo Alto Networks Unit 42Aviv Sasson
20 Million Miners: Finding Malicious Cryptojacking Images in Docker Hub
2021-03-26AccentureEric Welling, Jeff Beley, Ryan Leininger
It's getting hot in here! Unknown threat group using Hades ransomware to turn up the heat on their victims
2021-03-26Der SpiegelDer Spiegel
Russian group "Ghostwriters" apparently attacked parliamentarians
2021-03-26ImpervaDaniel Johnston
Imperva Observes Hive of Activity Following Hafnium Microsoft Exchange Disclosures
2021-03-26MIT Technology ReviewPatrick Howell O'Neill
Google’s top security teams unilaterally shut down a counterterrorism operation
2021-03-26MicrosoftEric Doerr
Securing our approach to domain fronting within Azure