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2021-02-04HALAimad Berady, Gilles Guette, Mathieu Jaume, Valérie Viet Triem Tong
From TTP to IoC: Advanced Persistent Graphs forThreat Hunting
2021-02-04ClearSkyClearSky Research Team
CONTI Modus Operandi and Bitcoin Tracking
Conti Ryuk
2021-02-04InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogBojan Zdrnja
Abusing Google Chrome extension syncing for data exfiltration and C&C
2021-02-04ChainanalysisChainalysis Team
Blockchain Analysis Shows Connections Between Four of 2020’s Biggest Ransomware Strains
DoppelPaymer Egregor Maze SunCrypt
2021-02-04GraphikaBen Nimmo, Ira Hubert, Yang Cheng
Spamouflage Breakout: Chinese Spam Network Finally Starts To Gain Some Traction
Internet Explorer 0day 분석
2021-02-03ZDNetCharlie Osborne
Ursnif Trojan has targeted over 100 Italian banks
ISFB Snifula
2021-02-03Mimecast, Nettitude
TA551/Shathak Threat Research
2021-02-03Seguranca InformaticaPedro Tavares
New cryptojacking malware called Pro-Ocean is now attacking Apache, Oracle and Redis servers
2021-02-03Twitter (@James_inthe_box)James_inthe_box
Tiwtter thread on Nim rewrite of Bazarloader
2021-02-03SolarWindsSudhakar Ramakrishna
Findings From Our Ongoing Investigations
2021-02-03Digital ShadowsStefano De Blasi
Emotet Disruption: what it means for the cyber threat landscape
2021-02-03Sophos Managed Threat Response (MTR)Greg Iddon
MTR casebook: Uncovering a backdoor implant in a SolarWinds Orion server
2021-02-03Google Project ZeroMaddie Stone
Déjà vu-lnerability A Year in Review of 0-days Exploited In-The-Wild in 2020
2021-02-03Medium s2wlabHyunmin Suh, Minjei Cho
W1 Feb| EN | Story of the week: Stealers on the Darkweb
Azorult Raccoon Vidar
2021-02-03Medium ConfiantJerome Dangu
Malvertising: Made in China
Holcus Installer (Adware)
2021-02-03Vice MotherboardJoseph Cox, Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai
A Spyware Vendor Seemingly Made a Fake WhatsApp to Hack Targets
2021-02-03TrustwaveTrustwave SpiderLabs
New Vulnerabilities Discovered in SolarWinds Products by Trustwave SpiderLabs
2021-02-03AhnLabAhnLab ASEC Analysis Team
Dissemination of malicious code disguised as a document of'Amendment of Ministry of Defense's Business Report in 2021
2021-02-03SentinelOneJim Walter
Zeoticus 2.0 | Ransomware With No C2 Required