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2020-11-12BrightTALK (FireEye)Jacob Thompson, Justin Moore
Living Off The Land on a Private Island: An Overview of UNC1945
2020-11-12Twitter (@ddash_ct)ddash
Tweet on Lootwodniw
2020-11-12YouTube (Tomorrow Unlocked)Tomorrow Unlocked
They wanted us to point the finger in the wrong direction!
Olympic Destroyer
2020-11-12YouTube (Tomorrow Unlocked)Tomorrow Unlocked
Those hackers wanted to be found!
Olympic Destroyer
2020-11-12YouTube (Tomorrow Unlocked)Tomorrow Unlocked
Who hacked the 2018 Winter Games?
Olympic Destroyer
2020-11-12IntrinsecJean Bichet
Egregor – Prolock: Fraternal Twins ?
Egregor PwndLocker QakBot
2020-11-12Medium Sapphirex00Sapphire
Diving into the Sun — SunCrypt: A new neighbour in the ransomware mafia
2020-11-12BlackberryBlackBerry Research and Intelligence team
The CostaRicto Campaign: Cyber-Espionage Outsourced
SombRAT CostaRicto
2020-11-12circleidJonathan Zhang
An Investigative Analysis of the Silent Librarian IoCs
2020-11-12Twitter (@IntezerLabs)Intezer
Tweet on Agelocker
Cyber Threat Perspective MANUFACTURING SECTOR
Industroyer Snake
2020-11-12ESET ResearchMartin Smolár
Hungry for data, ModPipe backdoor hits POS software used in hospitality sector
2020-11-12MicrosoftAjeet Prakash
Hunting for Barium using Azure Sentinel
北 연계 탈륨조직, '블루 에스티메이트(Blue Estimate)' APT 캠페인 지속
2020-11-12The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
Cryptominers Exploiting WebLogic RCE CVE-2020-14882
2020-11-12TalosAsheer Malhotra
CRAT wants to plunder your endpoints
2020-11-12Australian Cyber Security CentreAustralian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)
Biotech research firm Miltenyi Biotec hit by ransomware, data leaked
2020-11-12databreachtodayMathew J. Schwartz
Darkside Ransomware Gang Launches Affiliate Program
2020-11-11AviraAvira Protection Labs
Wroba Android banking trojan targets Japan
2020-11-11DomainToolsJoe Slowik
Extrapolating Adversary Intent Through Infrastructure