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2020-10-08BitdefenderBogdan Botezatu, Janos Gergo Szeles
Dissecting LemonDuck Crypto-Miner, a KingMiner Successor
Lemon Duck
2020-10-08ZDNetCharlie Osborne
Waterbear malware used in attack wave against government agencies
2020-10-08BromiumAlex Holland
Droppers, Downloaders and TrickBot: Detecting a Stealthy COVID-19-themed Campaign using Toolmarks
2020-10-08Medium CyCraftCyCraft Technology Corp
Taiwan Government Targeted by Multiple Cyberattacks in April 2020 Part 1: Waterbear Malware
2020-10-08MalwarebytesThreat Intelligence Team
Credit card skimmer targets virtual conference platform
2020-10-08ZDNetCatalin Cimpanu
German tech giant Software AG down after ransomware attack
2020-10-08BitdefenderAlin Mihai Barbatei, Elena Flondor, Liviu Aarsene, Oana Asoltanei
Fake Users Rave but Real Users Rant as Apps on Google Play Deal Aggressive Adware
Operation “Space Race”: Reaching the Stars through Professional Social Networks
2020-10-08ZEIT OnlineHakan Tanriverdi, Kai Biermann, Maximilian Zierer, Thi Do Nguyen
Hanois Hacker
2020-10-08Bayerischer RundfunkAnn-Kathrin Wetter, Hakan Tanriverdi, Kai Biermann, Max Zierer, Thi Do Nguyen
There is no safe place
Cobalt Strike
2020-10-08Kaspersky LabsDenis Legezo
MontysThree: Industrial espionage with steganography and a Russian accent on both sides
2020-10-08MicrosoftDinesh Venkatesan, Microsoft Defender Research Team
Sophisticated new Android malware marks the latest evolution of mobile ransomware
2020-10-08The DFIR ReportThe DFIR Report
Ryuk’s Return
BazarBackdoor Cobalt Strike Ryuk
2020-10-07Github (brompwnie)Chris Le Roy
Break out the Box (BOtB)
Break out the Box
2020-10-07Team CymruBrian Eckman
GhostDNSbusters (Part 2)
2020-10-07CrowdStrikeThe Falcon Complete Team
Duck Hunting with Falcon Complete: Analyzing a Fowl Banking Trojan, Part 2
QakBot Zloader
2020-10-07Department of JusticeDepartment of Justice
92 domain names that were unlawfully used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) to engage in a global disinformation campaign
2020-10-07Department of JusticeDepartment of Justice
United States Seizes Domain Names Used by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
2020-10-06Trend MicroFyodor Yarochkin, Robert McArdle, Vladimir Kropotov
The Hacker Infrastructure and Underground Hosting: Cybercrime Modi Operandi and OpSec
2020-10-06AviraAvira Protection Labs
TA505 targets the Americas in a new campaign