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2020-05-15Nishan Maharjan
Malware Analysis: Snake Ransomware
2020-05-15Twitter (@nunohaien)Tillmann Werner
Twitter Thread on attacks on high-performance computing labs
2020-05-15Twitter (@stvemillertime)Steve Miller
Tweet on SOGU development timeline, including TIGERPLUG IOCs
2020-05-14Avast DecodedLuigino Camastra
APT Group Planted Backdoors Targeting High Profile Networks in Central Asia
BYEBY Ghost RAT Microcin MimiKatz Vicious Panda
2020-05-14ESET ResearchPeter Kálnai
Mikroceen: Spying backdoor leveraged in high‑profile networks in Central Asia
Microcin Vicious Panda
2020-05-14LeonardoLeonardo’s Cyber Security division
Malware Technical Insight Turla "Penquin_x64"
Penquin Turla
The energy reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and a malicious campaign of APT10 against Turkey
Cobalt Strike HTran MimiKatz PlugX Quasar RAT
2020-05-14tccontre Blogtcontre
Netwalker Ransomware: [API Call Obfuscation (using Structure) and Evading Memory Forensic]
2020-05-14Group-IBOleg Skulkin
ATT&CKing ProLock Ransomware
2020-05-14paloalto Networks Unit 42Ruchna Nigam
Mirai and Hoaxcalls Botnets Target Legacy Symantec Web Gateways
Bashlite Mirai
2020-05-14Trend MicroMatthew Stewart
QNodeService: Node.js Trojan Spread via Covid-19 Lure
2020-05-14SentinelOneJason Reaves
Deep Dive Into TrickBot Executor Module “mexec”: Reversing the Dropper Variant
2020-05-14SophosLabsMarkel Picado
RATicate: an attacker’s waves of information-stealing malware
Agent Tesla BetaBot BlackRemote Formbook Loki Password Stealer (PWS) NetWire RC NjRAT Remcos
2020-05-14360 Total Securitykate
Vendetta - new threat actor from Europe
Nanocore RAT Remcos
2020-05-14TelekomThomas Barabosch
LOLSnif – Tracking Another Ursnif-Based Targeted Campaign
2020-05-14ESET ResearchPeter Kálnai
Mikroceen: Spying backdoor leveraged in high‑profile networks in Central Asia
BYEBY Microcin
2020-05-14BitdefenderBitdefender Team
Uprooting Mandrake: The Story of an Advanced Android Spyware Framework That Went Undetected for 4 Years
2020-05-14Kaspersky LabsGReAT
COMpfun authors spoof visa application with HTTP status-based Trojan
2020-05-14Avast DecodedLuigino Camastra
APT Group Planted Backdoors Targeting High Profile Networks in Central Asia
BYEBY Microcin