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2023-11-30BlackberryBlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team, Dmitry Bestuzhev
AeroBlade on the Hunt Targeting the U.S. Aerospace Industry
2023-11-13Twitter (@malwrhunterteam)MalwareHunterTeam
Tweet on Qilin Linux Locker
2023-11-13Twitter (@malwrhunterteam)MalwareHunterTeam
Tweet on Linux version of Rhysida
2023-11-10AhnLabASEC Analysis Team
Detection of attacks exploiting asset management software (Andariel Group)
Lilith Tiger RAT
2023-11-09CYBERWARZONETech Team
Tasnim News Hacked By WeRedEvils
2023-10-27Kaspersky LabsKaspersky Team
Security Analyst Summit 2023: key research
2023-10-26Avast DecodedThreat Research Team
Rhysida Ransomware Technical Analysis
2023-10-19SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Crambus: New Campaign Targets Middle Eastern Government
2023-10-18MicrosoftMicrosoft Threat Intelligence
Multiple North Korean threat actors exploiting the TeamCity CVE-2023-42793 vulnerability
FeedLoad ForestTiger HazyLoad RollSling Silent Chollima
2023-10-17AhnLabASEC Analysis Team
Lazarus Group’s Operation Dream Magic
LazarDoor wAgentTea
2023-10-16SekoiaQuentin Bourgue, Threat & Detection Research Team
ClearFake: a newcomer to the “fake updates” threats landscape
2023-10-13AhnLabASEC Analysis Team
Analysis Report on Lazarus Threat Group’s Volgmer and Scout Malware
JessieConTea Scout Volgmer
2023-10-12TrendmicroTrend Micro Research
DarkGate Opens Organizations for Attack via Skype, Teams
2023-10-12Cluster25Cluster25 Threat Intel Team
CVE-2023-38831 Exploited by Pro-Russia Hacking Groups in RU-UA Conflict Zone for Credential Harvesting Operations
Agent Tesla Crimson RAT Nanocore RAT SmokeLoader
2023-10-10SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Grayling: Previously Unseen Threat Actor Targets Multiple Organizations in Taiwan
Cobalt Strike Havoc MimiKatz Grayling
2023-09-20ProofpointProofpoint Threat Research Team
Chinese Malware Appears in Earnest Across Cybercrime Threat Landscape
FatalRat PurpleFox ValleyRAT
2023-09-12SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Redfly: Espionage Actors Continue to Target Critical Infrastructure
ShadowPad Redfly
2023-09-08PolySwarm Tech TeamThe Hivemind
Carderbee Targets Hong Kong in Supply Chain Attack
PlugX Carderbee
2023-09-07DeformDeform Team
The Infamous Mirai Trojan Evolves: New “Pandora” Variant Targets Android TVs
2023-09-06TRUESECJakob Nordenlund
DarkGate Loader Malware Delivered via Microsoft Teams