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2023-08-31SystemErrorOvi Liber
Reverse engineering SuperBear RAT
SuperBear RAT
Analysis of Andariel’s New Attack Activities
Andardoor BlackRemote Tiger RAT Volgmer
2023-08-31NCSC UKNCSC UK
Infamous Chisel - Malware Analysis Report
From Hidden Bee to Rhadamanthys - The Evolution of Custom Executable Formats
Hidden Bee Rhadamanthys
2023-08-31Cisco TalosEdmund Brumaghin
SapphireStealer: Open-source information stealer enables credential and data theft
Phemedrone Stealer - The best open source Stealer​
Phemedrone Stealer
2023-08-30Trend MicroGilbert Sison, Hara Hiroaki, Lenart Bermejo, Leon M Chang, Ted Lee
Earth Estries Targets Government, Tech for Cyberespionage
Cobalt Strike HemiGate Earth Estries
2023-08-30Kaspersky LabsDavid Emm
IT threat evolution in Q2 2023
3CX Backdoor Bankshot BLINDINGCAN GoldMax Kazuar QUIETCANARY tomiris GoldenJackal
2023-08-30ZscalerNaveen Selvan, Sudeep Singh
A Look Into DuckTail
2023-08-30ForbesThomas Brewster
A Fake Signal App Was Planted On Google Play By China-Linked Hackers
APT34 Unleashes New Wave of Phishing Attack with Variant of SideTwist Trojan
2023-08-30NisosVincas Čižiūnas
Trickbot in Light of Trickleaks Data
2023-08-30Medium walmartglobaltechJason Reaves
Gazavat / Expiro DMSniff connection and DGA analysis
DMSniff Expiro Gazavat
2023-08-29MandiantAustin Larsen, John Palmisano, John Wolfram, Mathew Potaczek, Michael Raggi
Diving Deep into UNC4841 Operations Following Barracuda ESG Zero-Day Remediation (CVE-2023-2868)
2023-08-29GoogleAustin Larsen, John Palmisano, John Wolfram, Mathew Potaczek, Michael Raggi
Diving Deep into UNC4841 Operations Following Barracuda ESG Zero-Day Remediation (CVE-2023-2868)
GhostEmperor UNC4841
2023-08-29Aqua NautilusAssaf Morag, Nitzan Yaakov
Kinsing Malware Exploits Novel Openfire Vulnerability
2023-08-29ViuleeenzAlessandro Strino
Agent Tesla - Building an effective decryptor
Agent Tesla
2023-08-29SpamhausSpamhaus Team
Qakbot - the takedown and the remediation
2023-08-29AquasecAssaf Morag, Nitzan Yaakov
Kinsing Malware Exploits Novel Openfire Vulnerability
2023-08-29KrebsOnSecurityBrian Krebs
U.S. Hacks QakBot, Quietly Removes Botnet Infections