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2022-12-08Cisco TalosTiago Pereira
Breaking the silence - Recent Truebot activity
Clop Cobalt Strike FlawedGrace Raspberry Robin Silence Teleport
2022-11-17Cisco TalosChris Neal
Get a Loda This: LodaRAT meets new friends
Loda Kasablanka
2022-11-09Cisco TalosEdmund Brumaghin
Threat Spotlight: Cyber Criminal Adoption of IPFS for Phishing, Malware Campaigns
Agent Tesla
2022-09-08Cisco TalosAsheer Malhotra, Jung soo An, Vitor Ventura
Lazarus and the tale of three RATs
MagicRAT MimiKatz VSingle YamaBot
2022-09-07Cisco TalosAsheer Malhotra, Jung soo An, Vitor Ventura
MagicRAT: Lazarus’ latest gateway into victim networks
MagicRAT Tiger RAT
2022-08-10CiscoNick Biasini
Cisco Talos shares insights related to recent cyber attack on Cisco
Yanluowang UNC2447
2022-08-04Cisco TalosArnaud Zobec, Azim Khodjibaev, Edmund Brumaghin, Matt Thaxton
Attackers leveraging Dark Utilities "C2aaS" platform in malware campaigns
2022-08-02Cisco TalosAsheer Malhotra, Vitor Ventura
Manjusaka: A Chinese sibling of Sliver and Cobalt Strike
Manjusaka Cobalt Strike Manjusaka
2022-06-21Cisco TalosChris Neal, Flavio Costa, Guilherme Venere
Avos ransomware group expands with new attack arsenal
AvosLocker Cobalt Strike DarkComet MimiKatz
2022-05-18Cisco TalosHolger Unterbrink
The BlackByte ransomware group is striking users all over the globe
2022-05-11Cisco TalosCisco Talos
Bitter APT adds Bangladesh to their targets
AndroRAT Artra Downloader Bitter RAT ZxxZ
2022-05-05Cisco TalosAliza Berk, Asheer Malhotra, Jung soo An, Justin Thattil, Kendall McKay
Mustang Panda deploys a new wave of malware targeting Europe
Cobalt Strike Meterpreter PlugX Unidentified 094
2022-05-02Cisco TalosJAIME FILSON, Kendall McKay, Paul Eubanks
Conti and Hive ransomware operations: Leveraging victim chats for insights
Cobalt Strike Conti Hive
2022-04-14Cisco TalosEdmund Brumaghin, Vanja Svajcer
"Haskers Gang" Introduces New ZingoStealer
Ginzo Stealer ZingoStealer
2022-04-14Cisco TalosEdmund Brumaghin, Michael Chen, Vanja Svajcer
Threat Spotlight: "Haskers Gang" Introduces New ZingoStealer
RedLine Stealer
2022-04-05Cisco TalosAlex Karkins, Edmund Brumaghin
Threat Spotlight: AsyncRAT campaigns feature new version of 3LOSH crypter
AsyncRAT LimeRAT
2022-03-29Cisco TalosAsheer Malhotra, Justin Thattil, Kendall McKay
Transparent Tribe campaign uses new bespoke malware to target Indian government officials
Crimson RAT
2022-03-24Cisco TalosCisco Talos
Threat Advisory: DoubleZero
2022-03-15CiscoCisco Talos
Threat Advisory: CaddyWiper
2022-03-10Cisco TalosChris Neal
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022 Threat advisory: Cybercriminals compromise users with malware disguised as pro-Ukraine cyber tools