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2022-03-17TrendmicroFeike Hacquebord, Fernando Mercês, Stephen Hilt
Cyclops Blink Sets Sights on Asus Routers
2022-03-17AviraAvira Protection Labs, Ionut Bucur
Avira Labs Research Reveals Hydra Banking Trojan 2.0 targeting a wider network of German and Austrian banks
2022-03-16Github (XZB-1248)XZB-1248
Github Repository for Spark RAT
2022-03-16FR3D.HKFred HK
CryptBot - Too good to be true
2022-03-16AhnLabASEC Analysis Team
Gh0stCringe RAT Being Distributed to Vulnerable Database Servers
Ghost RAT Kingminer
2022-03-16RiskIQJennifer Grob, RiskIQ
RiskIQ: Suspicious Domain Claiming Support for Ukraine Associated with Malware File
2022-03-16RiskIQJennifer Grob, RiskIQ
RiskIQ: Website Spoofed Ukrainian "Official site of the PrivatBank Charitable Foundation" to Skim Credit Card Data
2022-03-16SymantecSymantec Threat Hunter Team
The Ransomware Threat Landscape: What to Expect in 2022
AvosLocker BlackCat BlackMatter Conti DarkSide DoppelPaymer Emotet Hive Karma Mespinoza Nemty Squirrelwaffle VegaLocker WastedLocker Yanluowang Zeppelin
2022-03-16Recorded FutureInsikt Group®, Zoe Haver
China’s Government Is Learning From Russia’s Cyberattacks Against Ukraine
2022-03-16paloalto Netoworks: Unit42Andrew Guan, Chris Navarrete, Durgesh Sangvikar, Siddhart Shibiraj, Yanhui Jia, Yu Fu
Cobalt Strike Analysis and Tutorial: How Malleable C2 Profiles Make Cobalt Strike Difficult to Detect
Cobalt Strike
2022-03-16CiscoYuri Kramarz
Preparing for denial-of-service attacks with Talos Incident Response
2022-03-16Github (MidSpike)Tyler Resch
CVE-2022-23812: RIAEvangelist/node-ipc is malware / protestware
2022-03-16Dissecting MalwareMarius Genheimer
Quick revs: Pandora Ransomware - The Box has been open for a while...
2022-03-16MandiantJoshua Homan, Logeswaran Nadarajan, Martin Co, Mathew Potaczek, Sylvain Hirsch, Takahiro Sugiyama, Yu Nakamura
Have Your Cake and Eat it Too? An Overview of UNC2891
2022-03-16The RegisterJeff Burt
BlackBerry says extortionists erase documents if ransom unpaid
2022-03-16InfoSec Handlers Diary BlogBrad Duncan
Qakbot infection with Cobalt Strike and VNC activity
Cobalt Strike QakBot
2022-03-16DragosJosh Hanrahan
Suspected Conti Ransomware Activity in the Auto Manufacturing Sector
Conti Emotet
2022-03-16TrustwaveHomer Pacag
The Attack of the Chameleon Phishing Page
2022-03-16BlackberryThe BlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
New Ransomware Family Identified: LokiLocker RaaS Targets Windows Systems
2022-03-16AvastMartin Chlumecký
DirtyMoe: Worming Modules