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2021-12-16KasperskyKaspersky Lab ICS CERT
PseudoManuscrypt: a mass-scale spyware attack campaign
2021-12-16BlackberryThe BlackBerry Research & Intelligence Team
Threat Thursday: Warzone RAT Breeds a Litter of ScriptKiddies
Ave Maria
2021-12-16Check Point ResearchAlexey Bukhteyev
Phorpiex botnet is back with a new Twizt: Hijacking Hundreds of crypto transactions
2021-12-15Security IntelligenceIBM SECURITY X-FORCE
Nation State Threat Group Targets Airline with Aclip Backdoor
2021-12-15NCSC UKNCSC UK
Jolly Jellyfish
FishMaster Earth Lusca
2021-12-15ESET ResearchESET Research
The dirty dozen of Latin America: From Amavaldo to Zumanek
Krachulka Lokorrito Zumanek
2021-12-15ZscalerRubin Azad
ThreatLabz analysis - Log4Shell CVE-2021-44228 Exploit Attempts
Kinsing Mirai
2021-12-15MandiantJohn Hultquist, Matthew McWhirt
Log4Shell Initial Exploitation and Mitigation Recommendations
2021-12-15MandiantAlessandro Parilli, James Maclachlan
No Unaccompanied Miners: Supply Chain Compromises Through Node.js Packages (UNC3379)
2021-12-14Recorded FutureInsikt Group
Full Spectrum Detections for 5 Popular Web Shells: Alfa, SharPyShell, Krypton, ASPXSpy, and TWOFACE
2021-12-14Trend MicroNick Dai, Ted Lee, Vickie Su
Collecting In the Dark: Tropic Trooper Targets Transportation and Government
ChiserClient Ghost RAT Lilith Quasar RAT xPack APT23
2021-12-14GigamonJoe Slowik
Network Security Monitoring Opportunities and Best Practices for Log4j Defense
2021-12-14Recorded FutureInsikt GroupĀ®
Full Spectrum Detections for 5 Popular Web Shells: Alfa, SharPyShell, Krypton, ASPXSpy, and TWOFACE
Cuba Ransomware Analysis
2021-12-14Cado SecurityMatt Muir
Analysis of Novel Khonsari Ransomware Deployed by the Log4Shell Vulnerability
2021-12-14Medium s2wlabS2W TALON
Logs of Log4shell (CVE-2021-44228): log4j is ubiquitous
Kinsing Mirai Tsunami
2021-12-14ZscalerNagraj Seshadri
Neutralizing Apache Log4j Exploits with Identity-Based Segmentation
2021-12-14MandiantAdrien Bataille, Anders Vejlby, Jared Scott Wilson, Nader Zaveri
Azure Run Command for Dummies
2021-12-14SymantecThreat Hunter Team
Espionage Campaign Targets Telecoms Organizations across Middle East and Asia
2021-12-14PrevailionMatt Stafford, Sherman Smith
DarkWatchman: A new evolution in fileless techniques