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2021-09-02BloombergJordan Robertson
Juniper Breach Mystery Starts to Clear With New Details on Hackers and U.S. Role (APT5)
2021-09-02Medium michaelkoczwaraMichael Koczwara
Cobalt Strike PowerShell Payload Analysis
Cobalt Strike
TTPs#6 Targeted Watering Hole Attack Strategy Analysis (SILENT CHOLLIMA)
Tiger RAT
2021-09-02AnomaliGage Mele, Rory Gould, Sean Townsend, Tara Gould
Cybercrime Group FIN7 Using Windows 11 Alpha-Themed Docs to Drop Javascript Backdoor
2021-09-02nvisoMaxime Thiebaut
Anatomy and Disruption of Metasploit Shellcode
2021-09-02Twitter (@th3_protoCOL)Colin, GaborSzappanos
Tweet on Confluence Server exploitation (CVE-2021-26084) in the wild and cobaltsrike activity (mentioned in replies by GaborSzappanos)
Cobalt Strike
2021-09-02MicrosoftMicrosoft Offensive Research & Security Engineering team
A deep-dive into the SolarWinds Serv-U SSH vulnerability (DEV-0322)
2021-09-02JuniperAlex Burt, Asher Langton
Attacks Continue Against Realtek Vulnerabilities
2021-09-02Bleeping ComputerSergiu Gatlan
Autodesk reveals it was targeted by Russian SolarWinds hackers
2021-09-02KasperskyAnton Kuzmenko, Haim Zigel, Oleg Kupreev
QakBot Technical Analysis
2021-09-02TalosAzim Khodjibaev, Caitlin Huey, David Liebenberg, Dmytro Korzhevin
Translated: Talos' insights from the recently leaked Conti ransomware playbook
2021-09-01YouTube (Hack In The Box Security Conference)Joey Chen, Yi-Jhen Hsieh
SHADOWPAD: Chinese Espionage Malware-as-a-Service
PlugX ShadowPad
2021-09-01YouTube (Black Hat)Anurag Khanna, Thirumalai Natarajan Muthiah
Threat Hunting in Active Directory Environment
TeamTNT: Cryptomining Explosion
TeamTNT Tsunami
2021-09-01YouTube (Black Hat)Junyu Zhou, Tianze Ding
Domain Borrowing: Catch My C2 Traffic if You Can
2021-09-01YouTube (Black Hat)Aragorn Tseng, Charles Li
Mem2Img: Memory-Resident Malware Detection via Convolution Neural Network
Cobalt Strike PlugX Waterbear
2021-09-01YouTube (Black Hat)Christian Doerr, Tsuyoshi Taniguchi
How Did the Adversaries Abusing the Bitcoin Blockchain Evade Our Takeover?
Cerber Pony
2021-09-01SophosAnand Ajjan, Andrew Brandt, Sean Gallagher, Yusuf Polat
Fake pirated software sites serve up malware droppers as a service
2021-09-01360 Threat Intelligence CenterAdvanced Threat Institute
APT-C-56 (Transparent Tribe) Latest Attack Analysis and Associated Suspected Gorgon Group Attack Analysis Alert
Crimson RAT NetWire RC
2021-09-01The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
Confluence enterprise servers targeted with recent vulnerability