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2021-04-24fumik0 blogfumko
Anatomy of a simple and popular packer
2021-04-24Bleeping ComputerLawrence Abrams
A ransomware gang made $260,000 in 5 days using the 7zip utility
2021-04-24Medium lordx64Taha Karim
Initial analysis of PasswordState supply chain attack backdoor code
2021-04-23Twitter (@vikas891)Vikas Singh
Tweet on DOPPEL SPIDER using Intensive/Multiple Injected Cobalt Strike Beacons with varied polling intervals
Cobalt Strike DoppelPaymer
2021-04-23xorl %eax, %eaxAnastasios Pingios
Analysis of the CardingMafia March 2021 data breach
Supply chain attack on the password manager Clickstudios - PASSWORDSTATE
2021-04-23DarktraceMax Heinemeyer
APT35 ‘Charming Kitten' discovered in a pre-infected environment
2021-04-23CNBCEamon Javers
Axis of REvil: What we know about the hacker collective taunting Apple
2021-04-23GuidePoint SecurityDrew Schmitt
Mount Locker Ransomware Steps up Counter-IR Capabilities, Hindering Efforts for Detection, Response and Investigation
Mount Locker
2021-04-22Lacework Labs
Sysrv-Hello Expands Infrastructure
2021-04-22laceworkChris Hall, Jared Stroud
Sysrv-Hello Expands Infrastructure
2021-04-22Github (@cecio)@red5heep
EMOTET: a State-Machine reversing exercise
2021-04-22Twitter (@AltShiftPrtScn)Peter Mackenzie
Twwet On TTPs seen in IR used by DOPPEL SPIDER
Cobalt Strike DoppelPaymer
2021-04-22Twitter (@ET_Labs)ET Labs
Tweet on Lunar Builder exfiltrating data via Discord webhook
2021-04-22xorl %eax, %eaxAnastasios Pingios
A gentle introduction to building a threat intelligence team
2021-04-22The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
Nightmare week for security vendors: Now a Trend Micro bug is being exploited in the wild
2021-04-22Avast DecodedDavid Zimmer
Binary Data Hiding in VB6 Executables
2021-04-22Trend MicroAlfredo Oliveira, David Fiser
Tor-Based Botnet Malware Targets Linux Systems, Abuses Cloud Management Tools
2021-04-22The RecordCatalin Cimpanu
Ransomware gang wants to short the stock price of their victims
2021-04-22splunkDave Herrald, Drew Church, James Brodsky, John Stoner, Katie Brown, Marcus LaFerrera, Michael Natkin, Mick Baccio, Ryan Kovar
SUPERNOVA Redux, with a Generous Portion of Masquerading