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2024-04-01Twitter (@embee_research)Embee_research
Passive DNS For Phishing Link Analysis - Identifying 36 Latrodectus Domains With Historical Records and 302 Redirects
Unidentified 111 (Latrodectus)
2024-04-01ThreatMonKerime Gencay
RisePro Stealer Malware Analysis Report
2024-03-31Check Point ResearchCheck Point
Malware Spotlight: Linodas aka DinodasRAT for Linux
2024-03-31Github (karcherm)Michael Karcher
Information about the liblzma (xz-utils) backdoor
2024-03-30Gynvael.Coldwind//vx.logGynvael Coldwind
xz/liblzma: Bash-stage Obfuscation Explained
Reported Supply Chain Compromise Affecting XZ Utils Data Compression Library, CVE-2024-3094
2024-03-29ElasticSamir Bousseaden
In- the- Wild Windows LPE 0- days: Insights & Detection Strategies
2024-03-27EclecticIQArda Büyükkaya
Operation FlightNight: Indian Government Entities and Energy Sector Targeted by Cyber Espionage Campaign
Latrodectus Deobfuscation - Removal of Junk Comments and Self-Referencing Code
Unidentified 111 (Latrodectus)
2024-03-25iVerifyMatthias Frielingsdorf
Clipping Wings: Our Analysis of a Pegasus Spyware Sample
2024-03-21ProofpointProofpoint Threat Research Team
Security Brief: TA450 Uses Embedded Links in PDF Attachments in Latest Campaign
2024-03-19Medium b.magnezi0xMrMagnezi
Malware Analysis NjRat
2024-03-18SecuronixD. Iuzvyk, O. Kolesnikov, T. Peck
Analysis of New DEEP#GOSU Attack Campaign Likely Associated with North Korean Kimsuky Targeting Victims with Stealthy Malware
2024-03-18SecuronixD. Iuzvyk, O. Kolesnikov, T. Peck
Analysis of New DEEP#GOSU Attack Campaign Likely Associated with North Korean Kimsuky Targeting Victims with Stealthy Malware
2024-03-18SecuronixD. Iuzvyk, O. Kolesnikov, T. Peck
Analysis of New DEEP#GOSU Attack Campaign Likely Associated with North Korean Kimsuky Targeting Victims with Stealthy Malware
2024-03-18Trend MicroDaniel Lunghi, Joseph C Chen
Earth Krahang Exploits Intergovernmental Trust to Launch Cross-Government Attacks
DinodasRAT PlugX Reshell ShadowPad Earth Krahang
2024-03-18Trend MicroDaniel Lunghi, Joseph C Chen
Earth Krahang Exploits Intergovernmental Trust to Launch Cross-Government Attacks
DinodasRAT PlugX Reshell ShadowPad Earth Krahang
2024-03-18Perception PointAriel Davidpur, Peleg Cabra
Operation PhantomBlu: New and Evasive Method Delivers NetSupport RAT
NetSupportManager RAT
2024-03-18Perception PointAriel Davidpur, Peleg Cabra
Operation PhantomBlu: New and Evasive Method Delivers NetSupport RAT
NetSupportManager RAT
2024-03-18ThreatMonKerime Gencay
Planet Stealer Malware Analysis Report (Paywall)