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2021-08-05Red CanaryBrian Donohue, Dan Cotton, Tony Lambert
When Dridex and Cobalt Strike give you Grief
Cobalt Strike DoppelDridex DoppelPaymer
Skip the Middleman: Dridex Document to Cobalt Strike
Cobalt Strike Dridex
2021-06-30GuardicoreLiad Mordekoviz, Ophir Harpaz
SMB Worm “Indexsinas” Uses Lateral Movement to Infect Whole Networks
2021-06-30GuardicoreLiad Mordekoviz, Ophir Harpaz
SMB Worm “Indexsinas” Uses Lateral Movement to Infect Whole Networks
2021-06-22Twitter (@Cryptolaemus1)Cryptolaemus, dao ming si, Kirk Sayre
Tweet on TA575, a Dridex affiliate delivering cobaltstrike (packed withe Cryptone) directly via the macro docs
Cobalt Strike Dridex
2021-06-22Twitter (@Cryptolaemus1)Cryptolaemus, dao ming si, Kirk Sayre
Tweet on TA575, a Dridex affiliate delivering cobaltstrike (packed withe Cryptone) directly via the macro docs
Cobalt Strike Dridex
2021-06-22Twitter (@Cryptolaemus1)Cryptolaemus, dao ming si, Kirk Sayre
Tweet on TA575, a Dridex affiliate delivering cobaltstrike (packed withe Cryptone) directly via the macro docs
Cobalt Strike Dridex
2021-06-03YouTube (FIRST)Felipe Domingues, Gustavo Palazolo
Breaking Dridex Malware
2021-06-03YouTube (FIRST)Felipe Domingues, Gustavo Palazolo
Breaking Dridex Malware
2021-04-15Twitter (@felixw3000)Felix
Tweet on Dridex's evasion technique
Dridex Loader Analysis
2021-03-29VMWare Carbon BlackGiovanni Vigna, Jason Zhang, Oleg Boyarchuk
Dridex Reloaded: Analysis of a New Dridex Campaign
2021-03-29VMWare Carbon BlackGiovanni Vigna, Jason Zhang, Oleg Boyarchuk
Dridex Reloaded: Analysis of a New Dridex Campaign
2021-03-29VMWare Carbon BlackGiovanni Vigna, Jason Zhang, Oleg Boyarchuk
Dridex Reloaded: Analysis of a New Dridex Campaign
2021-03-11IBMDave McMillen, Limor Kessem
Dridex Campaign Propelled by Cutwail Botnet and Poisonous PowerShell Scripts
Cutwail Dridex
2021-03-11IBMDave McMillen, Limor Kessem
Dridex Campaign Propelled by Cutwail Botnet and Poisonous PowerShell Scripts
Cutwail Dridex
2021-03-02HispasecHispasec Sistemas
Campaña Fedex Banker
X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2021
Emotet QakBot Ramnit REvil TrickBot
2021-02-11Twitter (@malwrhunterteam)MalwareHunterTeam
Tweet on one of the first Fedex-themed lures for FluBot
2021-02-07Technical Blog of Ali AqeelAli Aqeel
Dridex Malware Analysis